Took a few shots today, let me know what you guys think of the idea and the shots.
A reshoot is possible, if I go buy another clock. Turns out 10 dollar alarm clocks aren't very hammer resistant. Who'd have thought.


3) More of a still life version
I'm going slightly different in my shooting methodology and post 'exploded view' of the clock, where I've disassembled it and will shoot it thru set design and then POST with a bit of composite work. It's along the lines of your second shot....
I'm probably going to continue down this line, as I have a project outside Challenges, that will use the technique I'm working on. This is a good test bed for learning the process I need.
Good Luck!!!
Also it is funny that we both thought the same thing for early and late. The idea came to me after I was a little late for work twice last week because I hit the snooze button one too many times.
good luck on your shot! It's a GREAT CONCEPT! wear your safety goggles...
Is that lamp really in mid-air?
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
If I post it, please tell me how to make it better. My fragile ego can take it.
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
Unfortunately the new clock doesn't have very prominent lettering on the buttons so while I do think it would be cool to have the word 'snooze' on display up front I don't know if it's feasible. I'm only willing to devote so much time and money to shopping for clocks I'm going to smash.
I am considering though shooting from less of a straight on angle, maybe like 20 degree tilt so it's a different perspective but still clear that everything is bouncing off the table.
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