MC14 thoughts, opinions, suggestions...

Ok, I jumped in with the late entry rather early... I wanted to be the first one to get this concept in there, I'm sure anyone (especially a dad) with daughters can relate... It is a difficult set up and shoot because of the darkness and I don't have a remote, so I have to use the camera timer, and I don't have a model so I am using myself... anyway the second shot wouldn't be the final because I moved before the shutter closed... which perspective do you like better? do you like the idea at all? title ideas? shooting/exposure suggestions?
1) current entry (This courtship is over)


1) current entry (This courtship is over)


If I post it, please tell me how to make it better. My fragile ego can take it.
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I had a remote but lost it. It was very tiny.
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
Thanks everyone for your comments... the shutter release will be here Friday... My car I was using will be gone, as my Wife left for Florida this morning to see her Mother who just got out of the hospital... sooo I will be using my pickup truck, luckily it has an extended cab... I am going to try and shoot this with me on the porch and the truck pointing in that direction, shooting out of the cab... I have an idea that I will take one shot of my hand and arm on the steering wheel showing my watch... and another shot with me on the porch with the gun, then merge... maybe some other angles and shots as well... Long weekend ahead, with no distractions...