1D2 to 50D?
I'm considering moving from my 1DII to a 50D, or maybe a 40D. I really like my 1D2's sensor, the build, the 8fps, and the AF. But I'm not shooting as much sports as I used to, and the 50D should do fine with most of my sports uses anyway. I just don't like how heavy my 1D2 is for normal shooting. Most of the time it's handheld, and it's heavy. I just bought a 20D, which is much lighter. It's a fine backup camera, but I'd want the features of the 50D to replace my 1D2. I also like live view, and the 1D2 and 20D don't have that.
So I'm wondering, how's the 50D? Image quality, AF, high ISO, live view, etc. Is it worth it? Is it worth the extra over the 40D?
So I'm wondering, how's the 50D? Image quality, AF, high ISO, live view, etc. Is it worth it? Is it worth the extra over the 40D?
Actually, the 50D feels more solid to me than my 5D2, but it is very similar in size and feel otherwise aside from the much crisper shutter on the 50D.
Having said that, the 50D is the most affordable Canon DSLR to have the high-res LCD screen and AF microadjustment, two features which I find essential yet which the 40D does not have. So, if you're just looking for a general all-around camera, without too much concern for high ISO performance or the latest menu customizabilities, then hes the 50D is the PERFECT camera. What do you plan to shoot with the camera, by the way? A 50D plus something like the 10-22 EF-S would make a wicked landscape / architecture etc. camera setup!
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I've been using a friend's 5DII recently, and I really like the weight and screen compared to my 1DII (5DII shows banding at ISO 6400, I couldn't believe it
Ya know, I too just LOVE the ~35mm equivalent for walk-around stuff. I've taken my D300 and an old 24mm f/2.8 everywhere, and done just fine with it as long as I don't need higher than ISO 1600 or 3200. I mean it's casual shooting after all, so I don't worry that much about the per-pixel sharpness in low light.
I don't know how big of a difference in price it would be but it sounds like you could also consider a 5D mk1 and the 35 f/2, that might treat you well. A little handicapped when it comes to sports though, and maybe the 50D is a bit more versatile since it has those AF microadjustment and LCD upgrades that I was mentioning. Personally, I'd go for a 24 f/2.8 or something on the 50D, and call it a day. If you could afford the 24 1.4 mk1, then that'd be sweet, but either way it sounds like a 50D might be a great casual shooter. I don't imagine it would keep you happy for as long as a 7D would, but it could still deliver amazing results for quite a few years.
Good luck!
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Between the two, it might come down to the condition of the actual camera you get in your hand - actuations, accidents, mainteneace, etc. A top condition low use sample of either camera would be very satisfying to have. Personally, all things being equal, I would favour a 40D. Over that I would favour a 7D. Can you wait a while, 6mo or so?
Yeah, I have heard that the 40D IQ is better. But I think that for me, the higher-res screen and AF microadjustment would outweigh that. Unless it's a big difference in IQ, which it doesn't seem to be (?).
I could wait... in 6 months the 7D price will probably have dropped a bit, and I will probably have saved up a bit more... I could buy a 50D now and sell it then, hoping it doesn't devaluate much. Or I could do the same with a 40D... hmm, now I have some decisions to make. Thanks for the suggestion! I could try a 40D now, since it's cheaper than the 50D, and then sell it for a 7D later... or for a 50D sooner, if I wanted more LCD pixels. I've done without AF microadjustment so far. Something to think about.
OK, bring on the 40D vs 50D debate!
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Thanks! Just curious, did you see a big difference in the 50D screen quality vs the 40D?
Also, if I remember correctly, the 40D was the first camera to have live view. Is the live view as good as the 50D's?
I would like the UDMA capability on the 50D. Then again, I've done without it so far.
I can control most factors in making an image, but the bottom line of IQ, what the camera and lens *can* give me, is out of my control. So I use gear where that bottom line is darned good
I would say they are about the same. I actually never used Live View until I got the 7D. I don't recall ever using on the 40 or 50.
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Used prices on the 40D and 50D are probably close enough that the AF microadjust and LCD are worth it by themselves. The 7D is a bunch more, but offers a bigger jump in useful features (video being the biggest, but also significant ISO noise improvement, better battery management, and I think it has the ETTL flash controller capability in the built-in flash).
Personally I haven't seen the 7D as being enough better than the 50D to be worth upgrading.
50D, 100mm L macro, single shot:
So, while I agree that there may be a slight difference in per-pixel image quality in favor of the 40D, (AA filter, ISO performance, whatever) ...I'm still largely in favor of the 50D's sensor for general shooting. The extra resolution is worth it both when cropping candids, and when NOT cropping landscapes. ;-)
Practicing good hand-holding technique, nailing your exposures, and being carefully generous with sharpening / noise reduction....these things will take you a LOT further than simply deciding to go with one camera over another...
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The DOF should be the same on both cameras. It's tempting to believe that, since a crop sensor appears to give you a longer focal length (which it really doesn't), that the DOF will behave accordingly. Think of it this way: If you take a shot on a FF sensor and do a 1.6 crop in the post, will your DOF change? No, for obvious reasons. Apply this same logic to different crop sensors and you'll get to the same conclusion. DOF is only a function of aperture, focal length and distance to subject, nothing else.
While that's entirely true, when you work with the same subject and try to keep the same size relationships in the image frame, "your" position, relative to the subject, must change. The result is that the apparent DOF will change. That's why there is the "conception" and "perception" of a different DOF. It is a result of the shift in relative position to the subject.
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These are 2 very different lenses. The Canon EF 24mm, f1.4L USM (or version II) will give very good DOF control on the Canon 50D body. I believe that the combination will yield more DOF control than a Canon 1D series body* and Canon EF 28mm, f2.8.
When in doubt check with:
*(Excluding the Canon 1D X, of course.)
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
The I would definitely prefer the 50D + 24L, but it's $700 more. I've just spent a solid hour looking around at my options, and I think I've decided. I used my 1DII + 20/2.8 today. I could deal with the weight. I think I'll keep my 1DII for now. I'm going to sell my 20/2.8 and 28-105. I'll buy the 28mm f/1.8 - that will be a great walkaround lens (close to 35mm) on my 1DII. I'll also get a 17-40L as my standard zoom. My setup will look like:
17-40L | 28mm f/1.8 | 50mm f/1.8 II | 70-200 f4L | 100-300 USM
Then next year, hopefully I'll be able to get a 50D and a 85mm f/1.8.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!