Living on the street

This a man who lives in abandoned houses, we call them "Krakers". They brake-in ,and live in it. In the summer months he lives outside together with his dog on an abandoned plot.
The complete village wil be wiped away for a new harbor.
Most people are scared about them, I just started a talk a few days before the actual shot, had a smoke and a drink with him outside on the sofa... I asked the third day to make a picture.
My point is < get to know your models, talk, eat and drink with them, create a bond and then ask to take a picture, show the picture and seek the approval>
The complete village wil be wiped away for a new harbor.
Most people are scared about them, I just started a talk a few days before the actual shot, had a smoke and a drink with him outside on the sofa... I asked the third day to make a picture.
My point is < get to know your models, talk, eat and drink with them, create a bond and then ask to take a picture, show the picture and seek the approval>

A photographer without a style, is like a pub without beer
Only minor nit is it would be great to have another couple millimeters at the bottom, but still
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
The mm in the bottom, indeed you have a point. However I don't have it so as this is no crop. tXS
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