Sweeeet! PS Touch

While I usually do not use my students' slang, all I can say about the new Photoshop Touch (for Android tablets) is "sweeeeeeeet". Well worth the 10 buck download, even though it might be considered a "toy" ... hey, I consider my Xoom an almost useless toy, except when using the DSLR Controller (beta) app. Adobe just released Touch to the market a short while ago.
— Henry —
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.
Today's "inexpensive" tablets have a long way to go, especially the capacitive screen ones as the smallest pen you can get is about the size of your pinky tip. I do use CS2 on a Windows tablet/notebook that is Wacom "penabled" with full sensitivity, slant, 1000+ pressure levels, fine pen-points, etc., when I travel, but even that with its 12" screen is just a stop-gap for convenience (the screen twists around backwards and lays on top of the keyboard and it becomes a full-blown tablet). For the most part, such Windows tablet computers are not designed for on-the-go pro-level photo editing. But I would love to see something on the total-size level as the iPad with the power to run CS5 or later, using penabled (or similar) graphics pens.
So, for now, give me my CS5 on my 24" screen and my Intuos 4 graphics tablet anyday.
But, like I said, Adobe Touch on Android is quite fun and provides a look into a few new features that just might ship with CS6.
I am considering downloading their Adobe Ideas (a finger-painting-like vector draw program for Android which looks like it has some great potential ... greater than Touch ... and also released this morning). Watch Adobe's various videos on it ... in the hands of the right artist ......... !
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.