Mileage for traveling question
I have a photo shoot coming up that is 96 miles from my location. Customer agrees to pay for extra mileage, but since it is my first time charging for mileage, I am not sure what the standard is. Should I charge round trip or one way? :dunno
I have a photo shoot coming up that is 96 miles from my location. Customer agrees to pay for extra mileage, but since it is my first time charging for mileage, I am not sure what the standard is. Should I charge round trip or one way? :dunno
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51 c per mile would be about 90.00.
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I love animoto
2 hrs = $200. 6 hrs = $296.00
Sorry, but I think that is far too little. What if another client asked the OP for a shoot the same day and it couldn't happen because of the drive time required for the first shoot? Now how much is that extra 4 hours worth?
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Here is a wedding website I created for a customer as a value-add. Comments appreciated.
Founding member of The Professional Photography Forum as well.
I quoted her the .51 per mile.. for some strange reason, I forgot to include my traveling time in the quote
Thank you!
I agree!
If price wasn't a problem for her or curiosity of how you should handle it and they said your hired no questions asked. You'd not be posting. And a quote wouldn't be needed.
Just feel them out and if they want to comp you up front then you'll know a good client.
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Mark + Lindsay Facebook
I love animoto
She was going to come to me, but then she asked what it would take for me to travel to them as they want to take pictures in their great farm. So this is where this all came up. Even if it does not work out with this time, it was great exercise for the next time.
I love all the different points of views here.
I don't try to keep track of mileage since that's just one more thing to keep track of.
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My accountant wants me to keep track of mileage:(
I think I am going include the miles in the price in the package for 2012 instead of breaking it down.
She was "ok" to pay the miles and session fee, until she wanted to buy the cd of her images. After I gave her that price, she, as Mark D. Mentioned above, found someone 90 miles closer.
This was a good exercise nonetheless
I looked at this point very seriously when we had a delivery vehicle in one of my businesses. While we would get a better tax benefit with mileage, we found that the hassle and record requirements to avoid issues in an audit were steep. Instead, we just wrote off the fuel and maintenance expenses. Much simpler.
If someone chose another photographer based on price alone, then they really weren't in love with your work. When someone wants you, they want you, and these are clients that are a joy to work with. Photographers are a bit of a commodity these days, but the work isn't. Either the art is what you want in the budget you want or it isn't. And that's okay. Every business has its different mix of expenses. You can't price yourself out of business--another lesson I've learned in business.
Like you said, good exercise.
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I will mention this to my accountant; see what we can workout.
I agree