oEmbed issues on Wordpress.com
I recently discovered the oEmbed gallery slideshow for use on my Wordpress.com blog. It's really great, but I'm running into a couple of issues:
1. I have one particular gallery category (that I've found so far, anyhow -- there may be more) that just will not embed correctly. Categories that work correctly spit back some nice XML when I paste the oEmbed link into a browser location bar (for instance, http://api.smugmug.com/services/oembed/?url=http://photos.bemyyokoono.com/Children/Halloween-Eve/19848641_bBpj3G -- that works great). However, when I try to make a gallery slideshow embed from galleries in my "Holidays" category (for instance, http://api.smugmug.com/services/oembed/?url=http://photos.bemyyokoono.com/Holidays/Thanksgiving-2007/8861105_mPTSqp), I don't receive any XML. Instead, I get this message:
404 Not Found - That URL doesn't have an oEmbed representation.
And in my Wordpress.com post, I just see the URL for the oEmbed -- no slideshow (which makes sense, as there is no XML output). Is there something I can do to enable oEmbed on that gallery?
2. My SmugMug collection contains photos from a few different cameras. So far, I've used oEmbed with galleries shot with two of them -- a Canon Digital Rebel XT, and a Canon Powershot SD110. The oEmbed slideshows created using photos from the Digital Rebel XT scale when placed in a Wordpress.com blog post -- the slideshow fits in the blog template's boundaries, and the photos are all scaled to that space. The oEmbed slideshows created using photos from the Powershot SD110 do not scale when place in a Wordpress.com blog post -- the slideshow fits in the blog template's boundaries, but the photos are not scaled -- it seems that the full resolution photo is just centered in the bounding box, and the rest of the photo is cut off. Why would this happen?
I've created a sample blog post which illustrates the scaling issue. It can be found here:
If anyone can provide any insight into these two issues, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!
I recently discovered the oEmbed gallery slideshow for use on my Wordpress.com blog. It's really great, but I'm running into a couple of issues:
1. I have one particular gallery category (that I've found so far, anyhow -- there may be more) that just will not embed correctly. Categories that work correctly spit back some nice XML when I paste the oEmbed link into a browser location bar (for instance, http://api.smugmug.com/services/oembed/?url=http://photos.bemyyokoono.com/Children/Halloween-Eve/19848641_bBpj3G -- that works great). However, when I try to make a gallery slideshow embed from galleries in my "Holidays" category (for instance, http://api.smugmug.com/services/oembed/?url=http://photos.bemyyokoono.com/Holidays/Thanksgiving-2007/8861105_mPTSqp), I don't receive any XML. Instead, I get this message:
404 Not Found - That URL doesn't have an oEmbed representation.
And in my Wordpress.com post, I just see the URL for the oEmbed -- no slideshow (which makes sense, as there is no XML output). Is there something I can do to enable oEmbed on that gallery?
2. My SmugMug collection contains photos from a few different cameras. So far, I've used oEmbed with galleries shot with two of them -- a Canon Digital Rebel XT, and a Canon Powershot SD110. The oEmbed slideshows created using photos from the Digital Rebel XT scale when placed in a Wordpress.com blog post -- the slideshow fits in the blog template's boundaries, and the photos are all scaled to that space. The oEmbed slideshows created using photos from the Powershot SD110 do not scale when place in a Wordpress.com blog post -- the slideshow fits in the blog template's boundaries, but the photos are not scaled -- it seems that the full resolution photo is just centered in the bounding box, and the rest of the photo is cut off. Why would this happen?
I've created a sample blog post which illustrates the scaling issue. It can be found here:
If anyone can provide any insight into these two issues, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Issue #1 I've fixed internally and it should ship later tonight with our weekly push.
Issue #2 It's a known issue which has been fixed as part of a new feature coming out soon.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I look forward to the slideshow scale resolution.
Thanks again!