What is with Search?
When I type something into the Search box on the screen while viewing as a regular user, it doesn't seem to find anything. I've tried typing heading, catagory names, keywords... it comes back saying nothing was found no matter what.
Is there something special I have to do to get this to work?
Is there something special I have to do to get this to work?
sorry you're having trouble. i just verifed, both as a logged-in user and then logged-out, that the search works. i searched for
and bacon. surprisingly, there are 147 hits on "bacon."
could you try clearing your browser caches, shutting your browser down, and re-starting your browser?
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Hmmm, when I go to smugmug.com (logged out of my account), and type in, i.e., bahamas, in the search box, I get a lot of galleries with that result. I've tried several words, butterflies, horses, ocean just now ... all come back with many many galleries. Is this the search box you're referring to?
Smug since 2006
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Also, I would like to have other links that would take you to other pages other than galleries. Is this just not possible? Or if it is, where to I learn how it works?
glenn hancock
nope, sorry. but you can download firefox, and firefox web developer, and see the effects of your css changes in realtime on the fly - i highly recommend this!
btw you can put the search back, and have it anywhere you want on your pages.... search dgrin customization forum for threads that contain "search"
sure. simple <a href blah blah blah... you can see a whole page of links on my site, click link below
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How do you accomplish this with smugmug?
glenn hancock
html page with no photos
the dgrin search is your friend
hope this helps,
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Great photos!
thanks for all the help,
Now I just have to get all my pictures moved over... :-)
glenn hancock
thank you glen
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