MudBugs Hockey!(7pics)

Went to the game on saturday and decided to bring my camera with my new canon 300mm lens. Tell me what you think.

The mudbugs ended up winning 4-3 in over time.
As always coments and welcome thanks.

The mudbugs ended up winning 4-3 in over time.
As always coments and welcome thanks.
a) You know its minor league hockey with those "special" jerseys.
I love my country, but those jerseys make me want to barf.
You needed to get some of number 56 from youngstown. I went to school with him
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Hope you guys enjoyed the photos.
Live life to its fullest you never know whats in your future.
I love his playing style, he got hurt his senior year and had to sit the last half of it out. I really felt for him, he didnt get cleared till a whole season later (so sat out a total of 1 1/2 years) but last year was his first year back, and he landed in the CHL. I would love to see him move further up, but he doesnt have much offense to him.
Thanks for the photos ( I hope you werent offended by the jersey comments, I know in the minor leagues they do a lot of crazy things with the jerseys, usually for some good cause, but the jerseys still end up crazy).
The year before I got my SLR i was taking photos with my P&S digital. Here is number 56 Kelly Sickavish on 03
I think its safe to say my hockey photos have progresse for the better.
So were you shooting with a 300 fixed and way far away.
Dont be afraid to crop em.
Its a canon EF 75-300mm 4-5.6 I was shooting at ISO 800 5.6 Ap 340 shutter.
I didnt do any croping because I just didnt like the croped quality on the full size images and yes I was all the way back on the first dec so I could keep the glass out of my way.
Live life to its fullest you never know whats in your future.
ref's sweater
Oh, nice pictures too!
One of my favs:::: Highlight gallery (21 some pages) whole darn season (189 pages)
Im so glad hockey starting back up, I hope my stuff gets back to this level, first game of the season was a little rough.
I got yelled at by a guy at work for not going to the clinic....he is like you would get sooo many games.
Let me put it to you this way. We get $42/game for adult rec league.
Where else can you skate for an hour, get a good workout and get paid?
And yes, that sweater is butt ugly :uhoh