Nice color tones and lighting, it looks like reflected light bounced off of the clouds while the sun is still below the horizon . I am assuming this was sunrise, judging by the color of the sky ?
Sort of forgot about this one- sorry. Thank you both.
This was in one of the last desperate moments of sunset. It was too late to drive to some type of feature shot- and it was even more empty and less scenic the other way. Overall, this and others included, I was pretty happy with the trip.
I like the center comp, it really works well here. The lighting is beautiful--and the title is so creative. I think this is one of my favorites of yours, Walter!
"But ask the animals, and they will teach you." (Job 12:7)
Nice light!
Link to my Smugmug site
This was in one of the last desperate moments of sunset. It was too late to drive to some type of feature shot- and it was even more empty and less scenic the other way. Overall, this and others included, I was pretty happy with the trip.
Lauren Blackwell