
Pricing Bayphoto and EZ prints

SyBerGuySyBerGuy Registered Users Posts: 15 Big grins
edited November 19, 2011 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support

I have two galleries priced with my portfolio which is Bayphoto pricing marked up. And a third gallery with SmugMug pricing marked up and for EZprints. If someone orders prints from one of my Bayphoto galleries and then changes galleries and order EZprints... will they be charged two different shipping costs? Do most SmugMug Pros stick with one printing company (Bayphoto or EZprints) as a general rule?

Further, when viewing photos in a gallery to buy prints, but not finalizing the purchase.... how can a customer then go to another gallery and continue shopping? I do not see on my screen an Icon to view other galleries (my galleries) as they shop? Sometimes I will use the back arrow to move to a different gallery?).

Aside- I have decided to price my images at 130% which is a 30% mark up over Bayphoto/EZprints which should cover the SmugMug 15% commission fee for orders.... Any comments! I know that there are to many variables for each photographer to determine what to change (experience, quality of the images, cost of equipment, etc).

Any comments will be great,

Advanced Amateur


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    rainforest1155rainforest1155 Registered Users Posts: 4,566 Major grins
    edited November 19, 2011
    Hi SyBerGuy,

    1. Shipping cost will be higher if an order is placed that contains products from both labs.
    Which lab you choose is something up to you. Prices and offered products vary between the labs. Keep in mind that merchandise and photo cards are only offered through our EZprints lab regardless of what lab the gallery is set to.

    2. After they added a product via the buy button > this photo option, they can just use the back to gallery button without entering the cart. Or if they're already in the cart, there's a 'continue browsing' button or they can click on any thumbnail in their cart to go to the photo in the gallery.

    I hope this helps.
    SmugMug Support Hero
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