
Google "(Not Set)" Keyword

JillLangJillLang Registered Users Posts: 42 Big grins
edited November 22, 2011 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
Is anyone else getting this in their keywords data??

I use Google Analytics and my number one keyword is "(not set)".

Has Google changed in now that you, a website owner, has to pay for this info??

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    CWSkopecCWSkopec Registered Users Posts: 1,325 Major grins
    edited November 20, 2011
    Most often, the (not set) value is because the visitor didn't come from a search engine, therefore there was no keyword involved.

    Take a look at your Traffic Sources information. If it shows 1 visit from Google and 8 from other non-search engine sites (Facebook, DGrin, etc) you would then see 1 keyword and 8 (not set).
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    JillLangJillLang Registered Users Posts: 42 Big grins
    edited November 22, 2011

    Thanks for taking the time to respond! I looked and it's 100% Google.

    From what I can see doing searches on the subject, to find out what "not set" and "not provided" keywords are, the website owner is going to have to pay. This really stinks for the small time online business.

    CWSkopec wrote: »
    Most often, the (not set) value is because the visitor didn't come from a search engine, therefore there was no keyword involved.

    Take a look at your Traffic Sources information. If it shows 1 visit from Google and 8 from other non-search engine sites (Facebook, DGrin, etc) you would then see 1 keyword and 8 (not set).

    My SmugMug Site

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