
Amazon Wish Lists and Prints

BradfordBennBradfordBenn Registered Users Posts: 2,506 Major grins
edited November 22, 2011 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
Amazon has plug ins for various browsers that allows for the adding of things to their wishlists. However I have not been able to figure out how to make that link work with a SmugMug print. What I attempted to do was the following:

On my Mac with Lion (10.7.2) running Chrome (15.0.874.121) with the Wish List plugin from Amazon installed I browsed to one of my galleries (http://photos.bradfordbenn.com/Travel/Hockey-Night-in-San-Jose-2010/15551531_zbGsgr#1164909643_Xjnqd-A-LB) I then selected the image I want a cool metal print of (but am too frugal to buy for myself) and clicked the buy button. I then browsed to the size and style for. I then tried to use the plug in, but the resulting Amazon spawned window did not seem to match the dialog box (I redacted some things so no one gets bent out of shape over showing costs & markups).

I also tried the direct buy link from the share button (alpha preview) and I got directed to the gallery but no way to indicate the format I wanted.

Is this possible or am I tilting at windmills?

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