Ch. 50 - Natural Colors

I Traveled to Traverse City to find some beautiful natural colors for this contest. I really hope i can win. I need a new lens really badly. The one i have now has spots on it I don't know how to get rid of them.:cry.
You'll notice the spots in the bottom picture. It only appears when i use 28mm.
Thanks for your time Dgrin'ers.

You'll notice the spots in the bottom picture. It only appears when i use 28mm.
Thanks for your time Dgrin'ers.

As for the spots. Generaly those are from dust on the camera sensor and you only really notice them at smaller Apertures. I would check that before ditching the lens.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Detroit Wedding Photography Blog
Canon 10D | 20D | 5D
I like your top photo!
Best, I mean, and I really do like it. Can you do it bigger?
Yup it's on my flickr account.
I guess i think i'll keep shooting fall shots and find the perfect one for the contest. I've seen some good ones today; they're a lot better than mine.
Oh and also, how do you usually clean your lens ?
Detroit Wedding Photography Blog
Canon 10D | 20D | 5D
Number 2 also has a lot of sky, and is not saying "nature" to me.
Number 3 is the best contender of the three, but I think I would keep working on finding something stronger.
These are of course just my opinions being given in the hope of being helpful.
Detroit Wedding Photography Blog
Canon 10D | 20D | 5D
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