Pricing for my services?

What do you think should be charged for a sitting fee?
**Thread edited to rethink prices**
**Thread edited to rethink prices**
check out some of my pics on my smug mug site.
You charge $100.00 per additional hour for seniors and families but only $50.00 additional per hour for models?
You give the seniors four hours but say your only going to process / print 20 images per location. Then charge $20.00 per location?
So as a senior with limited funds I could contract for one location, spend four hours and buy one 4X6 of each image for a total of $29.60.
You actually put in print you want the client to pick you up and drop you off after the shoot?
You only take cash? There is absolutely no guarantee or warranty of any kind?
Your print pricing is ridiculously low. You will spend almost if not the exact amount of time to process an image that the client can order at 4X6 or 16X24. No one can process and print a 4X6 at your pricing and turn a profit.
Commercial clients are normally interested in image files not prints.
Near as I can figure a senior shoot with 4 locations and the D package would get you gross profit $155.00 after the print costs. You would have spent 4 hours shooting and 2 to 4 hours processing and uploading to SmugMug. If they chose a lesser print package your gross would be less.
Yes. $20 for four hours of shooting with no guaranty that they'll buy anything at all is not gonna work.
As far as packaging. I'd do that once and let it cover whatever kinda shoot you're gonna do, save for the corporate ones, and that needs some serious reconsideration.
I'm one of the proponents for getting your funds for work up front: Having a higher sitting fee. That way, you get paid. If they cheap out on photos or decide they don't need multiples of photos, then it doesn't hurt as bad.
I'd venture a CD or Dvd of photos would be a good seller.
This is not a full time job btw either, I actually work 5 days a week building powerlines. THis is a hobby, that I was getting advantage taken of, and decided to charge a little to make it worth my while. I was curious what people thought, and how you see it. Thank you for the comments so far as I am curious what other people see by this.
Also, there are several typos/spelling errors that also seem unprofessional. A few that caught my eye: Family's, Models's, recieve