Adorable Newphew
We were able to escape the waterlogged NW for the sunshine of Arizona to spend a delightful Thanksgiving with family. I hope everyone had a a nice and relaxing day. Here are a couple of shots of one of my nephews...







#1, is the econd best out of the series. If I had to make a choice the it would be this one. I think that the partial arms and the metal bar on the top bring no added value. Except color.
# 2,3 is not it. What does it tell the viewer ? Not much.... The eyes are the mirror of the sole. Can you tell us what is behind these compo's , what were you trying to do ?
# 4 the best in this series, good DOF, nice expression and the child becomes lose from the background.
My favorite is the first; the expression is just perfect.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
Thanks for the comments. I see what you mean about the green blob.
Thanks Andrew. I do agree with you about #2.
Comments and constructive criticism always welcome.