Importing from Flickr without mangling tags?

dmddmd Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
edited November 28, 2011 in SmugMug Support
I've been wanting to migrate from Flickr to Smugmug for several years now, but the lack of a usable migration tool has gotten in the way.

The problem with Smugglr is that it has a bug - it mangles tags because it uses the tag body instead of the raw property. This means that the tag "John Q. Public" on Flickr ends up as "johnqpublic" on SmugMug.

I have tens of thousands of family photos, dating back to the 19th century, each one painstakingly tagged via years of research. I really don't want all that work mangled.

This bug seems like it should be easily fixable... any suggestions?


  • rainforest1155rainforest1155 Registered Users Posts: 4,566 Major grins
    edited November 28, 2011
    Can you include a link to a sample photo on Flickr that you're having an issue with?

    Did you also try the Migratr tool available from here?
    Maybe it works better for your photos?
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • dmddmd Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
    edited November 28, 2011
    Sure, this one
    the tag gets transferred as 'danieldrucker' instead of 'Daniel Drucker'.

    Migratr has the same problem.
  • dmddmd Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
    edited November 28, 2011
    The trouble with both programs is that they're grabbing the data by using flickr.photosets.getPhotos and requesting tags as an extra.

    That gives a response like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <rsp stat="ok">
      <photoset id="72157600005068570" primary="5099085311" owner="35034347215@N01" ownername="3e" page="1" per_page="500" perpage="500" pages="1" total="1">
        <photo id="5099085311" secret="72570530fe" server="1121" farm="2" title="Daniel's photos are private." isprimary="0" tags="me danieldrucker" />

    That uses the 'cooked' form of the tags.

    To get the correct form of the tags, one needs to run against each individual photo. That method gives a response like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <rsp stat="ok">
      <photo id="5099085311" secret="72570530fe" server="1121" farm="2" dateuploaded="1287584582" isfavorite="0" license="0" safety_level="0" rotation="0" originalsecret="129213833e" originalformat="jpg" views="316" media="photo">
        <owner nsid="35034347215@N01" username="3e" realname="Daniel Drucker" location="Philadelphia, US" iconserver="1" iconfarm="1" />
        <title>Daniel's photos are private.</title>
        <description>My photos are visible to Friends and Family only.</description>
        <visibility ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" />
        <dates posted="1287584582" taken="2006-09-30 12:22:23" takengranularity="0" lastupdate="1304711668" />
        <editability cancomment="0" canaddmeta="0" />
        <publiceditability cancomment="1" canaddmeta="0" />
        <usage candownload="1" canblog="0" canprint="0" canshare="1" />
        <notes />
        <people haspeople="0" />
          <tag id="5921-5099085311-864628" author="35034347215@N01" raw="Daniel Drucker" machine_tag="0">danieldrucker</tag>
          <tag id="5921-5099085311-731" author="35034347215@N01" raw="me" machine_tag="0">me</tag>
          <url type="photopage"></url>

    Note the 'raw' property which contains the correct version of the tag.
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