
Why can't we use our profits/credits to buy things?

johnlogukjohnloguk Registered Users Posts: 137 Major grins
edited November 28, 2011 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
I was stunned recently to find that even with hundreds of dollars credit on my account I can't use any of it to buy prints for friends this Christmas, what is going on here? I complained and was told that Smug can't do this because of accounting practices, what abject rubbish, any computer programmer could sort that out easily. It seems just another dodge to stop us using up our profits/credits, and make us spend more off our credit cards. Well I'm not spending another penny on Smug. I've been here 4 years and now want to spend some of my profits. They say the money is there "ready to spend", but what on? I'm incandescent about this, they have to change it, how does everyone else feel about it? I feel conned and used. It feels like I'm dealing with a bunch of snake oil salesmen, not people who claim to want to offer the best customer service. :huh

Yes I could redeem my credits and have Smug send me a cheque, and lose a big chunk in commission and currency regs as I live in the UK.


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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited November 28, 2011
    Hi John, I'm sorry you are upset about this :( Nothing fishy going on here, promise. We're in business nearly 10 years and we've been paying our pros $millions on a regular basis since forever..... it's your money, and we want you to have it. We don't have a way to allow this right now, but we're quite thrilled to pay you your moneys, just request payment in your control panel and we can have the funds to you asap. We don't pay by cheque, we pay international pros via Paypal. http://news.smugmug.com/2011/05/23/paypal-and-currency-options-for-international-pros/ and we can pay you your money in your currency, GBP £.
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