Help deciding on which organizer to use-PSE or Iphoto
Hello, I am very new to actually trying to be an active photographer rather then pushing a button and hoping for the best. So far, it has been good. I am learning a lot and working on taking better photos. I am at the stage where I am figuring out a good photo organizer and editor, but things can be a little overwhelming with trying to learn a product and figure out if it is going to work for me. . From the research I have done, I think PSE10 is a good editor my application. It works and I can grow with it. I have downloaded the demo and am a few weeks into that. I thought about also trying Aperture, since I use a Mac, but learned that Aperture is an organizer with limited editing abilities, like LR. Budget-wise I do not want to pay for a new product, so for an organizer I am looking at either Iphoto or the PSE Organizer. I am hoping to get some good advice if one is a clearer choice then the other. I will give some insight on what I will be using it for.
At this point, I will not be taking hundreds of photos a week, but do hope to steadily continue taking them at a regular pace to keep the learning curve moving.
I have probably 2500-3000 photos already that I took over the years that I want to either consolidate onto my laptop or most likely a separate hdd. I have photos on the now limited life Mobile Me (which I replaced with Smug mug,) old laptops and desktops that I am not using anymore, and me and my wife’s current laptops. These are not really organized, except for maybe month/year in some cases.
I would like to get everything in one catalog but not necessarily the same hdd (going to try for a networked drive), so that I can keep track of it all. If the photo is edited, I would like to keep the original. I understand that PSE is non-destructive I think?
I am not a pro and honestly, it will be sometime before I feel I am a moderate hobbyist. Please be gentle as I am new. In the past I have used software that was far beyond my abilities and resulted in frustration and lack of use.
At this point, I will not be taking hundreds of photos a week, but do hope to steadily continue taking them at a regular pace to keep the learning curve moving.
I have probably 2500-3000 photos already that I took over the years that I want to either consolidate onto my laptop or most likely a separate hdd. I have photos on the now limited life Mobile Me (which I replaced with Smug mug,) old laptops and desktops that I am not using anymore, and me and my wife’s current laptops. These are not really organized, except for maybe month/year in some cases.
I would like to get everything in one catalog but not necessarily the same hdd (going to try for a networked drive), so that I can keep track of it all. If the photo is edited, I would like to keep the original. I understand that PSE is non-destructive I think?
I am not a pro and honestly, it will be sometime before I feel I am a moderate hobbyist. Please be gentle as I am new. In the past I have used software that was far beyond my abilities and resulted in frustration and lack of use.