PhotoCubics Fotoflash Jewelry Box - Thoughts!!!

Good afternoon y'all...
I've been surfing on YouTube for photo related stuff and I came across this
It's supposed to make jewelry photography as easy as taking snapshots.
I checked out the website but it's somewhat down, so I contacted the company and asked for more info and pricing on this.
I'll let you guys look at it and then comment/guesstimate what this neat little box is selling for...
I must say, I really like the little box...
I've been surfing on YouTube for photo related stuff and I came across this
It's supposed to make jewelry photography as easy as taking snapshots.
I checked out the website but it's somewhat down, so I contacted the company and asked for more info and pricing on this.
I'll let you guys look at it and then comment/guesstimate what this neat little box is selling for...
I must say, I really like the little box...
I use a little bit of everything gear wise...
Nikon/Canon/Sony/GoPro/Insta360º/Mavic 2 Pro
I use a little bit of everything gear wise...
Nikon/Canon/Sony/GoPro/Insta360º/Mavic 2 Pro
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Lol... I take it you also asked for info huh???
I use a little bit of everything gear wise...
Nikon/Canon/Sony/GoPro/Insta360º/Mavic 2 Pro
No, I just used google
Lmfao!!! I just got stuck on the link from YouTube to the website that I never thought about that!!!
I use a little bit of everything gear wise...
Nikon/Canon/Sony/GoPro/Insta360º/Mavic 2 Pro
I agree, It looks like a plastic cardboard box with some kind of flash built in the top of it. I could buy a Alien Bees Ring flash with cybersync's, Buy the materials to build the box & some plexiglass & have a better system for a $1000.00 less ! I'm happy with my $30.00 tent outfit I bought when Circuit City went out of buisness.
It's an $1800.00 solution to a problem that doesn't exist. Hard for me to imagine an amateur photographer with an entry level camera spending $1800.00 to photograph small jewelry pieces.
Most pros have flash, remote triggers etc. so all they need is a table set up, box, tent etc.
If this guy is in business in six months I will be amazed.
I like the idea of a quick set up, shoot and be done... but you're def. right about the price... for that much $$$ I think I rather get me a 70-200 2.8...
I use a little bit of everything gear wise...
Nikon/Canon/Sony/GoPro/Insta360º/Mavic 2 Pro
Hi all,
I've read your comments, and I recognize immediately that it is not understood how FlashBox really works. Someone said it has a little flash on top, but no, the flash elements are built-in to deliver 360 even lighting on the subject while at once illuminating the background for a clean white background, which is not a non-existent problem as someone else said. The only other way to achieve a pure white background when photographing jewelry or products is to spend a lot of time with clipping paths. If you've ever professionally photographed jewelry or products, then you know that it takes close to 30 minutes to achieve the desired sharp crisp image against a pure white background doing it any other way other than the FlashBox way. And if you only shoot a few pieces then you can afford to spend that time. But if you photograph a lot of jewelry or products and your customer or even you require, as do all professional retailers and wholesalers online do, a pure white background, then 30 minutes or more per image gets really expensive really fast. FlashBox does a far better job in 30 seconds. Someone said I don't know photography... and while your are entitled to your opinion, wouldn't it be polite if you actually knew what and who you were talking about, but it appears that being polite and reserving your opinions until you have actual facts to base them upon is not in your arsenal of professional manners.
It was also said that the website is lacking, and yes, it really is, I do look to change that sooner than later. Well at least that was an accurate criticism, and I have no qualms about the truth of it, I really do need to make an improvement on that score. Alas I am not a professional web designer, just a professional photographer specializing in jewelry and products, and upon occasion, fashion, though these days I do very little photography due to how busy I am delivering FlashBoxes to customers who understand business arithmetic, time is money, the purchase price is not the real price, the real price of anything is the cost of ownership ie; how much it cost to operate a tool over a period of time. The smart money knows the difference because they know what R.O.I. means.
Thanks for stopping by. For the record I was the one who said" I have concluded the guy don't have a clue about photography"
Some days I am grumpier than others.
You have stated that I don't know you or your photography. True, but I was not able to see any photographs on your website, there are no links, and I wasn't able to find a last name to search for a photography website.
I would be happy to look at your photography and reevaluate that statement.
I also stated: While it does look like the magic box will work pretty well, it's very limited and very expensive. I stand by this. If you are only shooting high volume small objects with a white background your box could very will help speed things up. But if you want to add some staging, ect your box won't help.
Most here are high end amateurs, semi pros, pros with a wide range of services as opposed to high volume specialists.
I can buy a lot of equipment, flashes modifiers, light boxes, reflectors, diffusers, ect for $1800.00. This gear will be far more flexible and can be used in a wide variety of photographic needs, as opposed to a limited specific need.
While the initial set up will take longer once set up will be as fast as your box.
The other thing I would have a concern about is durability. It's made of cardboard. I can't see that taking any kind of abuse ether deliberate or accidental.
I will clearly admit that I am not the best jewelery photographer, and need to spend some time on that.
As for being polite.......this is one of the most polite photographic related forum out there, and I don't recall anything being rude or over the top.
Feel free to come back any time to support your viewpoint.
'IF' this is the same guy, He's obviously done this for a while. He's just trying to sell a gadget so folks without the studio and expertise can get a good jewelry shot for their business.
I don't know how you found his last name or associated this web site with him.
If it is him he has some very nice commercial work, and I would agree he knows how to photograph.
The bottom of the page has "Copyright © 2010-2012 by Photo Cubics Inc., and Steven Bolson", and that page and the two linked all have the same Los Angeles address listed...
y/w. I just connected a few dots is all.
.....And really if I had a gadget I could sell, I'd be selling it!
I wanted to see if Steven had any professional shots up anywhere.
hey i think i am about to purchase this product .. did anyone buy it yet or noo?
I was just trying ask for some prices & more information about the PhotoCubics FlashBox (FlashBox A10, FlashBox A21 & FlashBox A32 - & this was the email conversation that I had with the owner. You can also read how rude he is to people in his youtube video comments (he also refuses to give out prices when asked). I honestly think he wants people just to hand over $4,600 without any questions or any warranty..
NOTE: I removed the email addresses to prevent spam but everything else is exacly as the email conversation went!
On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 6:11 PM, Support <a*> wrote:
Hi Steven,
Can you please send me some more information & prices for your flashboxes (all sizes). Please also include shipping to Australia.
Kind Regards,
On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 3:10 PM, Steven Bolson <s*> wrote:
Hello Adam,
We only offer FlashBox for a specific application.
We are not looking for a Distributor, hence there is no real need to know the prices for each of our FlashBoxes... and... we also do not entertain price shoppers, that is not our customer profile.
What are you photographing, what is the typical largest size item? We can then know the best FlashBox to serve your needs.
Thank you,
Steven Bolson
PhotoCubics Inc.
1461 US Hwy 395 North
Gardnerville, NV. 89410
On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 9:53 PM, Support <a*> wrote:
Hi Steven,
I do not think that was a very professional reply as I did not ask to become a distrbutor & nor I am not a price shopper..
We photograph products of all sizes hense why we were after a prices list of your products.
Our products includes - drill bits, silicone, ceramic fittings, buckets, tiling tools, tile cutters, shower grates etc.. We also have larger products but they will not fit in you flash boxes.
On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 5:00 PM, Steven Bolson <s*> wrote:
Our professionalism comes to the forefront in our FlashBoxes, not particularly in our mannerism. But this is not a personality contest. I run my business as I see fit, I am sure you do the same with your business, so lets leave it at that.
Based upon your descriptions, obviously the A32 best fits your needs. The A20 is no where close to helping you, and the A21, it's a great size for a lot of things, just not the wide spectrum of your things.
To get a shipping quote requires actual complete shipping address and contact info per UPS stipulations, not ours.
The A32 does not come with accessories, we show customer how to make their own props fast and easy, and trust, even though you are already familiar with such matters, our way is new and works best.
A32 with built-in flash, wireless trigger set, 3 sheets of raw prop material and spare set of FlashTubes: $4,600
Kind regards,
Steven Bolson
PhotoCubics Inc.
1461 US Hwy 395 North
Gardnerville, NV. 89410
On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 10:14 PM, Support <a*> wrote:
We would more thatn likely like to to try the smaller ones first to see if they suit our needs. What are they worth & do you have any brochures or anything I can show my partners?
On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 7:45 PM, Steven Bolson <s*> wrote:
Lets not.
There are many in depth real time demo videos on youtube.
PhotoCubics FlashBox.
Real Time, no tricks, no cuts, no games.
Believe it, or don't.
There are lots of lightboxes out there, they have super salespeople, zero truth, and no customer support, but boy can they sell a farmer a sack of cow dung he already has more than enough of.
We made our Real Time Videos for a reason. People that don't believe us makes it really easy for us to separate from real customers. So far, I hear you saying you do not believe the Real Time Videos. There is nothing left for me to say to you.
Steven Bolson
PhotoCubics Inc.
1461 US Hwy 395 North
Gardnerville, NV. 89410
On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 9:43 AM, Support <a*> wrote:
Hi Stephen,
Again, I find your answer very unprofessional.
All I am asking for is a price of your products so that we can review what options suit our requirements & budget.
We would also like a brochure or a detailed list of things that are included before we purchase anything. I think it is a fair question & it is the same question that is asked before we buy anything.
On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 6:32 AM, Steven Bolson <s*> wrote:
You have my answer.
Real Time Videos.
It's the internet world, few companies use print these days.
We do not sell according to budget, we sell according to successful fit to needs. Your needs clearly call for the A32, thus I will only quote you the A32 because I would never sell you what does not meet your needs, and you should never buy what does not fulfill your needs.
Steven Bolson
PhotoCubics Inc.
1461 US Hwy 395 North
Gardnerville, NV. 89410
On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 11:45 AM, Support <a*> wrote:
Hi Stephen,
We know what our requirements & budgets are & hense would like to know the prices & your A10 & A21 so that we can decide waht is suitable for our particular needs.
Can you please give me a list of your prices & let us know what those prices include?
Thank you,
On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 6:58 AM, Steven Bolson <s*> wrote:
You are using an email that is what, a business, no. Support at your name @ gmail.
Who are you, company ID address, details, website.
Steven Bolson
PhotoCubics Inc.
1461 US Hwy 395 North
Gardnerville, NV. 89410
On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 12:36 PM, Support <a*> wrote:
Really? You should be the one proving yourself to me if you want me to spend $4.6k & so far you cannopt even anwser my simple questions (I have not asked for anything unreasonable!).
TBH: I have found your level of professionalism to be very low & you should never speak to you customers the way that you have spoken to me.
You may have a good product (that we were thinking about buying), but without being able to get the price from you, a list of things that are included in that price, being accused of being a price shopper, a distributor & trying to force us in to buying a product that may not suit our needs, I can no longer be bothered communicating with you & will just look at purchasing another product from one of your competitors.
On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 7:41 AM, Steven Bolson <s*> wrote:
Good luck with that. Lightboxes are your alternative... try, they will be right in line with your personality needs. And you'll love the price. But you may as well get some plywood, paint the interior white and mount four fluorescent tubes in each corner. It will be exactly the same for a hell of a lot less money.
You got off on the wrong foot with me from the start.
Steven Bolson
PhotoCubics Inc.
1461 US Hwy 395 North
Gardnerville, NV. 89410
On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 7:56 AM, Support <a*> wrote:
Again, very unprofessional & no need for insults.
Good luck with your business,
Do you notice on his website that he does not list any real businesses that actually use his product?
Do you think his flashbox is really patent pending? I could find any patent pending documents after a search for them.
Do you think that $4,600 for a little box with a focus light & a strobe flash light is way over priced? I do..
For $4,600 do you even get a warranty? There is no mention of a warranty anywhere on his site or in his emails sent to me..
Do you think that you could build this flashbox yourself for just a few hundred dollars? I do..
Why does he not like to give out the prices for his products or answer simple questions?
Oh My... that was painful.
Well, there you are again Adam, a guy who does not identify his business and uses a bogus email that reads (
That's bogus from the start, and since then you have deleted that email address, further proving just how bogus you are.
My mistake, simple, I should never have even replied to you.
Well, we all make mistakes some time or other, it's not a crime.
False representation on the other hand is less than admirable.
My advice to you, buy a one of the many light boxes if ever that was a need for you and get on with your life.
You're issue is price, that's all it is.
I like Lamborghinis, they are way out of my price range, should I complain?
You finally answered your photographic needs, clearly only the A32 meets those needs, so giving you the price for the A21 and A10 is pointless to say the least.
We have only happy customer, customers are people who buy, not who shop, you are not a customer.
Our customers are happy because we support them. Our tutorials are great, but sometimes customers still need a little extra help, and we are always here for them, and that takes time, and time is money, and so yes, customer support is part of the price as it should be.
But I digress, your email address ( is nonsense, and you have since deleted it, or maybe now you reinstated it to make me out to be liar, whatever... I am not impressed. Had I recognized your bogus email from the start we would not be here simply because I would never have engaged you. Clearly that was my mistake in oversight, not yours.
Meanwhile, maybe you really do have photographic challenges to solve, and like I said before, go for one of those amazingly awful light boxes, but the so called professional ones have a whopper price and no support, and well, why should I be nice to products that flat out do not perform as advertised, and that means every light box on the market, they are all garbage, I know this from painful experience years ago, hence why I developed FlashBox, to make and provide the one and only honest solution, and Adam, you gotta admit, I'm very honest, I speak my mind, I pull no punches, you don't have to like it, but you cannot deny it.
One other thing, here is an impartial review:
There is no other solution on the planet, period, that can do what FlashBox does and how we help our customers succeed.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Duke, seriously...
Why not ask someone who has real experience, like here...
I will also say that at $4,600 you are blatantly trying to rip people off. All you are selling is a box with a focus light, a strobe flash & a remote trigger.
BTW: who cares what email address I use (it's none of your business TBH).. I have ordered stuff from our suppliers in china, online via amazon/ebay & many other places.. never has anyone cared about what email address I used (apart from you).. business must be good if you can exclude 500 million gmail users (
Also I took your advice & contacted (they did not have an issue with me using a gmail addesss & they answered all my questions with no problems). I even suggested that they consider using flash in their products & they said that they are looking into to it so hopefully we will see a product soon from them
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