
Coolpix 7900 owners?

threeflysthreeflys Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
edited October 24, 2005 in Cameras
Any 7900 owners present? I just bought one of these and was wondering what the optimal settings are? The only pics I have trouble with are the low light ones, I hold it as steady as I can and I get a lot of blurriness.


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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 24, 2005
    threeflys wrote:
    Any 7900 owners present? I just bought one of these and was wondering what the optimal settings are? The only pics I have trouble with are the low light ones, I hold it as steady as I can and I get a lot of blurriness.

    wave.gif hiya chris, welcome to dgrin. there's no such thing as "optimal" settings - learn your camera (you're in the right place here on dgrin!) and use all the settings to match the scene, and your desired result.

    regarding holding the camera steady, i always suggest "touch your elbows to your nipples"

    watch dgrin's own windoze demonstrate:

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