Portraits - Which Lens to Use?
I have only been using my 70-200 2.8 VR II for senior portraits and most other portrait work, mainly because I didn't have another lens that was high IQ.
I just bought a 24-70 2.8. Besides the obvious times when you have a group shot that would require a wider lens, what other scenarios would warrant using the 24-70 rather than the 70-200? For individual shots, and great bokah, use the 70-200? Candids might be better with the 24-70?
I haven't received the lens yet (12/05) but will I be able to get as good a bokah as my 70-200?
I just bought a 24-70 2.8. Besides the obvious times when you have a group shot that would require a wider lens, what other scenarios would warrant using the 24-70 rather than the 70-200? For individual shots, and great bokah, use the 70-200? Candids might be better with the 24-70?
I haven't received the lens yet (12/05) but will I be able to get as good a bokah as my 70-200?

Nikon D4, 400 2.8 AF-I, 70-200mm 2.8 VR II, 24-70 2.8
CBS Sports MaxPreps Shooter
CBS Sports MaxPreps Shooter
As far as bokeh goes, the 24-70 (again, assuming Canon) has excellent bokeh, certainly on par with the 24-70.
CBS Sports MaxPreps Shooter
If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
So far the 28/24 - 70"s i have owned were ideal portrait lenses and it never hurts to shoot a portrait with a lower IQ lens...it might give an effect you'll really love... ... ... ...
14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2
I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=52.636400,-1.124454
I agree that traditionally the 85mm lens was the go to lens for head and shoulders shots with 35mm film. Lots of wedding shooters use the 24-70, or a 28-85 lens as their primary optic.
Lots of fashion shooting is done with a 200 or even a 300 mm lens.
Ask yourself, how often do you use your 70-200 f2,8 IS L at less than 200mm? If you do shoot your 70-200 at 70 or 75 or 105mm, wouldn't an 85 f1.8 prime be a lot lighter, faster, easier, and cheaper to use? Might even be sharper too... Not certain about that , but it would be close. And the 200mm f2.8 L prime is less than half the weight of the zoom, and the 135 f2 is also lighter and easier to carry than the zoom and has fabulous bokeh.
Unlike a lot of folks, while I own a 70-200 f2.8 IS L, I rarely use it, as I prefer lighter, or faster, or sharper lenses. I bought my wife a 70-200 f4 IS L, and it is as sharp ( or sharper ) and faster, lighter, cheaper. Lighter really counts at the end of the day too.
The 85 f1.2 is gorgeous, very heavy, expensive, and requires great skill ( AF care ) in use. I have one too, and love it, or hate it, from time to time.
The Nikon 85 f1,4 is also gorgeous as well.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin