Google analytics not showing nice names or category names

This post is an offshoot of a discussion in the thread URL Preview/Google Analytics. The OP was asking how to identify the galleries shown in Google Analytics. JFriend posted a screen shot of what he sees in statcounter (which includes the full URL, with category & nicename), and I posted a screen shot of what I see in Google Analytics - which is the old-style URL, /gallery/id_key - the same format that the OP was seeing.
Google Analytics is not reflecting the URL shown in the address bar. I can't see anything on my site that would be causing the use of the old-style URL in analytics.
Can someone check this out? Where is Google Analytics getting the URLs from?
--- Denise
Google Analytics is not reflecting the URL shown in the address bar. I can't see anything on my site that would be causing the use of the old-style URL in analytics.
Can someone check this out? Where is Google Analytics getting the URLs from?
--- Denise ...
Musings & ramblings at
Musings & ramblings at
The issue you report Denise is being caused by Smugmug's code to handle GA. They use the same code for their own page tracking as for customer's page tracking. My guess is that they want normalized URLs by gallery number for their tracking and they didn't think to leave regular pretty URLs for customers. A couple lines of additional code to NOT change the URL if it's a customer's GA account instead of their own could fix this.
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Keep in mind, this is our OWN reporting tool, not SM hit reporting. We ought to be able to make our own reporting tool work the way we want. If we want actual URL names, we ought to be allowed to have them. Of course, one can always avoid the Smugmug manipulation of the URLs by using something other than GA (StatCounter is supported by Smugmug, but without URL manipulation).
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Google Analytics by gallery number is not very helpful. Yes, I can click on the pop-out to see which gallery the numbers belong to - but that means that I essentially lose the power of looking at a report to see a set of galleries.
Can you make supplying the nicename to Google Analytics an option?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Any chance for a change in this behavior? Using nice names is a much more user-friendly option.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
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