Pete, Pam - thanks for the comments and Pam ... getting all of the planets aligned to have another go - especially with the sort of weather / light we've been having recently'd make it even more 'interesting' atm
Harry member How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Dennis KaczorRegistered UsersPosts: 2,413Major grins
edited December 3, 2011
Simply amazing and the lighting in this wow, and love the low angle and the water splash.
Harry, Dennis and LM ... again, thanks for having a shufties and commenting.
Re the light - yes, it made a pleasant change to have some (when needed) - even if it didn't last for very long
LLLP ... glad you liked it - and thanks.
Sorry about the jaw / chin - incidentally, judging by the character spread / sequence, you have an interestingly shaped face
Chris - Familiarity with a local (15mins bike ride) venue has let me find suitable places for getting close to water level, provided I've got suitable kit / support.
This pic was taken using a 'turntable' (about 1ft dia) made from an old cast ali washing machine flywheel + lazy susan bearing and assorted fixings etc, with beanbag on top for cam support.
I 'wriggle' the flywheel base into the ground at the water's edge until level and set the gear up so there's typically 1 - 2 in of daylight between the hood underside and water surface (lower if very calm, opposite if v.choppy )
I don't have any pics of this particular setup, but if interested, my post 11 (on linked Dg page) gives some idea, albeit with a rather different rig.
Messing about with this stuff gives my (aging) grey matter something to mull over and I like the results from this pov for water based subjects.
Btw, the swan wasn't taking off ... it was just 'running' along the surface, trying to get from one part of the lake to another as fast as poss, in order to sort out a territorial dispute asap. (if you google scooting swan there's a few more pics of this - but ignore the text )
Thanks for your comments and interest - much appreciated ...
Flickr NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Dennis Kaczor Photography
Re the light - yes, it made a pleasant change to have some (when needed) - even if it didn't last for very long
...Sorry, my chin hit the keyboard.
Absolutely AMAZING!
Beautifully done.
Sorry about the jaw / chin - incidentally, judging by the character spread / sequence, you have an interestingly shaped face
Chris - Familiarity with a local (15mins bike ride) venue has let me find suitable places for getting close to water level, provided I've got suitable kit / support.
This pic was taken using a 'turntable' (about 1ft dia) made from an old cast ali washing machine flywheel + lazy susan bearing and assorted fixings etc, with beanbag on top for cam support.
I 'wriggle' the flywheel base into the ground at the water's edge until level and set the gear up so there's typically 1 - 2 in of daylight between the hood underside and water surface (lower if very calm, opposite if v.choppy
I don't have any pics of this particular setup, but if interested, my post 11 (on linked Dg page) gives some idea, albeit with a rather different rig.
Messing about with this stuff gives my (aging) grey matter something to mull over and I like the results from this pov for water based subjects.
Btw, the swan wasn't taking off ... it was just 'running' along the surface, trying to get from one part of the lake to another as fast as poss, in order to sort out a territorial dispute asap. (if you google scooting swan there's a few more pics of this - but ignore the text
Thanks for your comments and interest - much appreciated ...
Do I get any points for trying, Pam?
Would've been the orig shot (if any - later one only taken a few days ago) ... but I don't recollect any such thing happening ...
Thx for commenting, tho.