Swim school Photos. Anyone done them?
I shot a golf day on Friday and delivered mag covers to all the players when they came in for lunch along with a DVD slide show set to music.
As usual went down a treat and I got asked about covering other golf days as well as what and where I could do the onsite printing.
What they are interested in is underwater pics of the kids which they have all had done before and worked well on the client side but there were various things I discussed with them they weren't happy with in dealing with the people doing it. All problems I can easily overcome and I don't blame them for being less than happy.
So I'm wondering if anyone has done this before and how they went about it?
I have some ideas but I'm always more than happy to steal better ones off other people!
Any tips, suggestions etc?
As usual went down a treat and I got asked about covering other golf days as well as what and where I could do the onsite printing.
What they are interested in is underwater pics of the kids which they have all had done before and worked well on the client side but there were various things I discussed with them they weren't happy with in dealing with the people doing it. All problems I can easily overcome and I don't blame them for being less than happy.
So I'm wondering if anyone has done this before and how they went about it?
I have some ideas but I'm always more than happy to steal better ones off other people!

Any tips, suggestions etc?
Picadilly, NB, Canada
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I love animoto
I will have to do a through presentation package as the pools are all run buy local councils and they want copies of insurance, OH&S statements, work practice statements and the full catastrophe of red tape.
from facebook quality
MD Website
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Mark + Lindsay Facebook
I love animoto
Here's an example shot:
This would give you affordable underwater photography, and you can use your good gear above the water.
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
Been working on my business plan and the more I do, the more upsides I see.
I'm beginning to warm to the idea of this new venture.
Had a win yesterday when one of the guys I spoke to at the golf day rang my mate and wanted my details because he also got to thinking about doing this again and wants to line me up for it when swim school starts next year.
I'm not really worried, it's pretty straight forward on the product side, nothing i haven't and not doing already and once I get a feel for the cam underwater, dont see that being much of an issue either.
Some extra gear i'll have to get will be a good pair of goggles and maybe a weight belt.
not that i'm not plenty heavy enough already. just need some non buoyant weight!
Hopefully after a few months my weight with the belt on will come down to what it is now without one! :ivar
Im surprised that you got so many lined up when you didnt have experience with underwater photography yet. Right place at the right time!
I cant imagine the panic attacks I would get if I lined just one of these up and had to photograph 2000+ kids in one school, in what I guess would be a short period of time.
Please keep us posted on this project, and don't forget to pick up some SCUBA gear.
For the next 5 weeks or so i'll be doing all the prep work with getting insurances, OH&S policys, workplace statements etc all organised as the pools are pretty much run by councils who want all the ducks in a very straight row.
The schools start up about mid feb so I won't have my feet in the water till then.
As for scuba gear, I think I'll be able to hold my breath as long as the littlies so should be right without that for the time being! :0)
I would hope you can hold your breath that long, but I was thinking about doing it over and over, and how long will it be between the little ones? If the pace is slow enough no problem, but with a faster pace you could get tired much faster than you think. Then there is time it will take you to repetitively position yourself under water to take the shot then wait for the subjects to get in position, dive in etc.
Also with the numbers your quoting you could end up spending more time in water than a gold fish.
Taking on something in a totally different environment is different than photographing a different species.
How are you going to breathe underwater? scuba gear or something more simple like a modified snorkle with a long hose to the surface *think they use to do something like that long time ago, with a lever to pump air down?*
Which ideas are you referring to? I get many ideas but I dont have enough time to implement them all.
I did contact many hair salons, and only one seemed remotely interested, not the response I had envisioned considering most of them have a fraction of the business they usually do in January and one would think they would be eager to increase their profits and customer base. This reminds me that I need to go around to the ones I havent contacted yet and some that I did, to see if they are interested now that thier revenue has decreased.
I did implement my senior representative program last year and got a pretty good response. I didnt get many referrals from them on average so this year im changing things up a bit, the opening deal is not as sweet but the referral rewards are much better to give more motivation.
I did increase my prices last year, raising the price of my prints by a factor of 2.5, and I created package with a minimum which has helped sales, and I started offering more large ticket items that has done pretty well.
Yes, I suppose that is a point.
I'm kinda looking forward to the physical activity of it. i see it as a kind of water aerobics and the doctor has been hammering me to loose weight due to my Diabetes so i think some exercise with purpose and profit will be a great thing for me.
Start next Tuesday.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
I have to run now, but I will come back and read it carefully again. And then fire off a billion questions and hope that you have time to answer a few.
I like your moxie.
If I was in Sydney, I'd be calling you to see if you needed any help.
Get an underwater bag that takes a flash for the indoor centres and sell the underwater camera POS I bought which is useless.
Thanks for your comprehensive posting on this. Would it be possible to see any of these images? Send link via email, etc? I am not interested in snatching any.....:D Trying to link your verbal info posted with the income, time to print and image quality.
I haven't tried to photograph anything with this level of image quantities, and trying learn a little.
Nikon D4, Nikon D3, Nikon D3
Nikon 14-24 f2.8, Nikon 24-70 f2.8, Nikon 70-200 f2.8 VR II, Nikon 50 f1.8, Nikon 85 f1.4
Nikon 300 f2.8 VR, Nikon 200-400 f4.0 VR II, Nikon 600 f4.0 II, TC-1.4, TC 1.7, TC 2.0
(1) SB-800, (2) SB-900, (4) Multi Max Pocket Wizards
No. I'd say with what you're into here it's about not missing the Shot, catch your breath and don't miss the next Shot.
I think adding that flash, getting that WB inline with your intent and simple time for assimilation and these will be more than run of the mill for them, the clients.
I am looking forward to the pictures to! Are you including any advertisements with the prints to get more business from them like family portraits? An online gallery to sell more beyond the package they can get at the pool?
I understand from your posts that the images aren't great works of art. I know your selling them at a rate to make the venture profitable.
I am trying to see what quality is acceptable to people for this type of photo and price point. I tend to think in terms of high quality but at the volume you, or any project like this requires it would be impossible to shoot raw and process each image individually.
It's not to critique or anything.
You mentioned that you may get 3 more printers so you can print the pictures faster, but you also said that you are stuffing the packages a bit slower than you are already printing the pictures. Do you plan to hire an assistant to get the packages ready?
How many pictures are you taking of each kid in general? It must be fun trying to pick the best 3 of each one pretty quickly, and trying to keep them sorted. Hopefully each kid has a unique swimsuit so its easier to separate them.
It would be fun seeing a video of you doing your thing
Im looking forward to the video.
I was picturing this all wrong, I was thinking you were taking a picture from the bottom of the pool looking towards the sky.
how much does each package cost you to print? in terms of paper and ink?
Do you have a large wall print of some of your best work? and info on packages? It may get the attention of the walker byers.
An idea to get additional sales that may not cost you much extra is to offer a cd of 5 pictures at medium res or something. get the prints for $20, get the cd for $30, get both for $40. It may help with sales and not be much of an extra expense. CD's are pretty cheap here so you can go ahead and premake them or make them on demand.