Wachlella Falls

took a day trip down to the Oregon side of the Columbia Gorge over the weekend, with the intention of shooting Wachlella Falls. made it to the falls okay, but probably should have done it a couple of months ago. lots of water coming over the falls, couldn't get too close because the spray fogged my lens after one or two shots, and it was pretty gloomy down there in the canyon... i did manage some decent pics of the basin at large, though...

~ Rocky
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night
believe it or not, the cool look in these is AFTER i'd already 'warmed up' the images! it was very cold, misty and dim in the gorge, and the sun had long gone behind the bluffs. i may try warming these up a bit more, and see of that helps... thanks!
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night
Link to my Smugmug site
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night
thanks, Bryan! these were shot with a Canon 5D (original) and a Tamron SP24-135 lens with a polarizer. used a tripod, of course, with a remote shutter release. shutter speeds and apertures varied, but all were shot at ISO 100.
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night
Washington, D.C., based landscape and fine art photographer
Doug, it's a pretty short hike, a bit less than a mile from the parking lot. a bit of up and down, but not bad, even for a geezer like me!
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night