Sports are not for everyone, these are some early signs
My son Eli is 4, he is a VERY entertaining child. He has a marvelous mind for music, and math. We put him in soccer for the fall, here are the highlights...

Later in life you psyche out other players by talking about their girlfriends, or telling 'your mama' jokes, but at 4 the tongue suffices.

A little 'check out my abs' mommies, air guitar.

"If I kneel down like this...they will never KNOW I'm scratching my butt!"

"No, YOU go ahead and kick it bro, I'm good."

"Yeah, uh, whatever coach" My wife wants him to start hockey this winter. I told her if we can get the concept of pulling OTHER player's jerseys over their heads we may just have something. I'm thinking he may enjoy....I dunno..ballet more. :dunno
Comments as always are appreciated.

Later in life you psyche out other players by talking about their girlfriends, or telling 'your mama' jokes, but at 4 the tongue suffices.

A little 'check out my abs' mommies, air guitar.

"If I kneel down like this...they will never KNOW I'm scratching my butt!"

"No, YOU go ahead and kick it bro, I'm good."

"Yeah, uh, whatever coach" My wife wants him to start hockey this winter. I told her if we can get the concept of pulling OTHER player's jerseys over their heads we may just have something. I'm thinking he may enjoy....I dunno..ballet more. :dunno
Comments as always are appreciated.
Thanks, that gave me a good late night chuckle!
Your son is cute and looks like a handful. I loved the captions and especially the air guitar.
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Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
I've got one of those also. IQ off the scale, but unable to play sports! Fortunately, he's happy just being on the team and running up and down the field.
in my youngest son's first year of tball, 2004, i have a pic of him building a sand castle in the infield
i know from where you come !
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As far as cutting up, he is 4. I coach 8-10 yr old basketball. I love watching the 5-7s because of that very thing. The kids are so much fun to watch at that age, and it helps build strong healthy bodies too.
Both of my kids are brainiacs, AND sports minded too. Don't let the IQ part fool you. Smart kids make terrific athelets(sp)!
Canon Rebel XT
Canon 580 EX Speedlight
Canon EF 50mm f1.8
Canon EF IS 28-135mm f/3.2-5.6
Canon EFL 70-200 f/2.8
SanDisk Ultra IIs
Setup: One camera, one lens, and one roll of film.
I bet he will surprise you though - he has more of the requesite 'in your face' attitude required of a competitor than the overwhelmed and stoic little guy beside him!
Mine have been playing since they were 3 or 4, they all still play competitive rather than house, and they are all brainiacs as well. My oldest now trains with the provincial team. At 3, he was far more interested in his ritz crackers not being broken than kicking the ball. Dandelion pickers is what we call them.
Enjoy - there will be tonnes of great memories from sports or music or spelling bees!
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Ramblings About Me
My son is considered GATE - a fancy way of saying he drives the teachers
nuts because he thinks faster than they do...
..we did the baseball thing (missed more than one play chasing butterflys in the outfield)
..The Soccer thing (almost scored against his own team twice)
..Then we found tennis....
13 years old, 5'2", 90mph serve. Scares adults. Kinda funny. But I won't get on the court with him.
Thanks and good luck with MATH!
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
I distinctly remember one soccer game where my oldest spent all of his playing time collecting dandelions.
Great shots. Hang on to those.
"Not everybody trusts paintings, but people believe photographs."- Ansel Adams
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Those are great. I really like the one with the shirt over his face.
I think you captured the moment wonderfully.
I also like your photos and thanks for posting them.
My little girl had a late birthday so, she can't even start school till next year.
She turned 5 Nov. 15th so, She will be one of the taller kids in the class.
Take Care,
Aperture Focus Photography