My First Lightning Shot...

Taken just outside my back fence. We don't see lightning very often around here. I have been waiting for quite some time for an opportunity. About 1:30 AM the thunder woke me after a couple of large flashes....I jumped out of bed to give it a try :wink
Canon 20D, 17-40mm L
Iso 100, f/8, Bulb Setting
Tripod and remote shutter release
"Your photography is a record of your living, for anyone who really sees."
Paul Strand
Paul Strand
I would get out of bed for that as well.
Nikkor 18-70mm
Nikkor 70-300mm
My Gallery
Ahh! The joy of not much of anything.............
Wow!! That is an awesome shot. Very nice...
I keep waiting to capture lightning...
I knew Gus would be commenting in here
I heard the thunder last night and saw the lighting light up the sky, but all I wanted to do was try and sleep because my grandson is sick with a bad cold (I'm getting it too) and I've been taking care of him for the past couple days.
I don't think we had any good lightening strikes close enough to our house (in Farmersville)to be photo worthy anyhow
Kudos to you and Ed for getting out to shoot and congrats on getting a great photo for your efforts~
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
Nee- I hope you and your grandson are feeling better soon.
Paul Strand
cool factor of this shot.