was snapping pictures at a local seminary, and grabbed this one of my second half..
thoughts? what should've been done better?
not sure if the angle works..
her nose is missing..
too much space to the right?
Arseny - the too honest guy.
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To me however, it doesn't look like a portrait.
I'm not wild about the fact that it looks like she's falling backward and that there is a bunch of empty space that brings nothing to the table on the right side.
You subject matter should match your background. You have a bright bkg and a dark robed subject.
The slanted scene is something that was very popular in Europe a few years ago. Not any more, what doesn't mean that it can not be pretty. It is a personal taste
I suppose, I left the picture as it is because I liked the contrast of her eyes and her coat against all the brighter areas.
D3, I seem to see the same level of detail in her nose as in shots that you have provided before. Could you explain the difference to me, please? I am not picking on you, I really am trying to understand that.
Is it the style difference (your shots are using a soft "glow" kind of effect vs this shot sharp, no glow) or something else?
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I can't comment on D3's nose detail, but at least on my (well-calibrated) monitor your model's nose is almost invisible. So, to me that's too blown out. Just a nudge darker would help while still allowing for the contrast that you are looking for.
Sure, but which one was that Foques ?
how about this one?
D3, I looked over the images again, I understand what you are pointing out. please, never mind my question.
You smooth your model's skin, not over expose.
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No problem..
I think you got this one perfect...... I love the effect