The Nutcracker - Pas De Deux

My daughter was in a local production of The Nutcracker (Or as her brother refers to it, "The Ballbreaker") this weekend. I rented the Nikon 70-200 2.8 VR II for a week just for the occasion. Boy, am I ever gonna be sad to ship that bad-boy back tomorrow!
This if from a scene just before the end called the Pas De Deux.

The Nutcracker - Pas De Deux by Bryce Wilson, on Flickr
This if from a scene just before the end called the Pas De Deux.

The Nutcracker - Pas De Deux by Bryce Wilson, on Flickr
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
Well, it's on Flickr. That's something wrong in itself. :-P
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
So you rented a 70-200 VRII. I have the 70-200 VRI since two years. I need to say that I was not and still not pleased with it.
The 70-200 VRI , although a great lens is suffering from vignetting on a full frame D700 /D3S. So, if you have a full frame , do not buy the VRI. I was told that the VR-II is much better.
At the time when I bought the VR-I, the VR-II was about to come out. However Nikon was not releasing that information nor did they admitted that the VR-I was not suitable for the newer Full Frames. I will always hold this against Nikon.
A Nikonian can have a love and hate relationship right ?
I considered shooting manual, but discovered that depending on what area of the stage the action was taking place, the lighting varied up to 3 stops. Ad to the the occasional use of a spot and I decided to shoot shutter priority so I could match the speed to the action taking place and not miss anything.
Thanks for the nice comments. I'm thinking the pillar problem is with the hanging of the background itself and not lens abbr. But I'll certainly give it a shot!
Especially a hate relationship when special ordering an item. It takes FOREVER!
I didn't notice excessive vignetting with this lens (VR II) on the D700. I did some shots at a local ice rink during a hockey game the night before this event to get used to the lens, (They're posted in the sports section) and the images looked pretty clean all the way to the edge at all focal lengths.