Tule Elk, locking horns
In an effort to find clear skies to shoot the eclipse early Saturday, I found myself almost two hours from home with my biggest lens in the car at daybreak. And thus it was a perfect time to look for tule elk at San Luis NWR in CA's central valley.
At one time there were over 500,000 tule elk in CA and practically driven to extinction. Today they are back up to just 4,000 elk.
1 - Found one

2 - Found a couple more looking quite social

3 - Suddenly there seems to be some aggressive posturing

4 - The match begins with an audible "clack" that can be heard from a long distance



7 - The match ends abruptly and it's back to being buddies like nothing ever happened

8 - Suddenly a fresh round of provocation ensues.

The end.
Thanks for looking,
At one time there were over 500,000 tule elk in CA and practically driven to extinction. Today they are back up to just 4,000 elk.
1 - Found one

2 - Found a couple more looking quite social

3 - Suddenly there seems to be some aggressive posturing

4 - The match begins with an audible "clack" that can be heard from a long distance



7 - The match ends abruptly and it's back to being buddies like nothing ever happened

8 - Suddenly a fresh round of provocation ensues.

The end.

Thanks for looking,
Yes it was a bit frosty indeed. BTW, I swung by the Merced NWR as well, and the Sand Hills are all gone.
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Dennis Kaczor Photography
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A lover of all things photography.
Olympus E-500
My Smugmug Gallery
I've processed two more shots that compliment the series I think.
Tres Amigos
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Appears to be a slight color cast in the first series, light blue maybe. And could use a smidge of black point maybe.
The second group look good color wise and looks like you upped your contrast a smidge.....of course this monitor is crap so I could be wrong
5 is my favorite of the set, nice action, beautiful animals.
Mike, you wouldn't believe how much black point adjustment were in these shots. Like almost 100%. Despite what it looks like, the animals were pretty far off. These were shot at 700mm on a crop-body. Plus it was foggy and flat light. The natural lighting was very cool. I used a CS auto-color on them and it probably exaggerated the effect but I liked it. I'm probably weird that way (see the moniker above my avatar). So maybe a little warmer may have been a better call. I always appreciate your input on processing -- you have a really good eye, my man.
Just for fun, here's a shot straight out of the camera with no correction so you can see what I was up against.
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Link to my Smugmug site
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Love this one!
A lover of all things photography.
Olympus E-500
My Smugmug Gallery
These elk look a little different than the ones I'm used to here in Colorado, I see that Tule Elk are a subspecies. Beautiful animals non the less!