Wilma in Waltham

It was raining cats & dogs in Waltham, MA as the remnants of Hurricane Wilma blew over. So I went out to see how my favorite view would look with the leaves turning and all the rain and wind on the river.

The Waltham Watch factory was still there and the leaves were not yet all blown away.
Then I had to go to work. But I loved the view out my window, north on Moody St.

The Waltham Watch factory was still there and the leaves were not yet all blown away.
Then I had to go to work. But I loved the view out my window, north on Moody St.

If not now, when?
Wonderful, Rutt.
Your favorite subject, I think the trees are too much. You really are going to have to prune, don't you think?
Again, YES, on the rain shot!
I've been planning a trip to the garden center to see what they have in the way of weed whackers, machetes, &etc. There are some issues, though. This is on the cemetery grounds. I'm thinking I really need a kayak trip to get the shot now.