Sitting Fees?
Up to this point, I have photographed as a hobby. I retired from my job and have time to photograph more often. Today I photographed some dogs practicing agility. A few asked if I had a card, and I gave them one. Now, my dilemma. What do I charge if they ask me to photo their dog? I will upload to Smugmug but what do I charge for my services?
Charge the median price of what the pro portrait photogs charge...or find out what the others in your area charge and stay close in not give away for free or vastly under charge for your area, if you do all you are doing is hurting yourself and the other pros in your are.....and yes you are a pro when you take on paid charge like a full time pro.
Pricing is very much like a witches brew. First of course you need to determine what you want the witch's brew to do. Then you have a list of possible ingredients to choose from. Then how much of each? Do you boil the concoction or slowly simmer? What incantations are used? Does this need to me mixed during a full moon? Is a frogs hair really necessary?
Ingredients: Knowledge, experience, image quality, local market rates, creative / sitting fees, print / file prices, processing time, locations and travel considerations, Demographics / customer base, general pricing pro photographers are charging in your area, cost of equipment, cost of insurance, cost of software, print costs, DVD / DVD case costs, cost of website to include time to upload, and manage account.
Now what do you want to accomplish? High volume low prices, low volume high prices? To actually make a profit? To have fun and supplement what you would shoot anyway?
As an example you could charge one all inclusive price for creative fees and all deliverables, or Ala cart, charge separately for everything.
IE: $200 gets you 2 hours shooting time and 6 8 X 10 prints.
$300 gets you 2 hours shooting time and 6 8 X 10 prints and the high res files.
$50 creative fee and $25.00 per 8 x 10 print. ( other sizes at obviously different prices)
the fun part is figuring out what your time is worth and charge enough to cover your expenses and make a reasonable profit margin to keep it fun