DSS #92 - Optical Illusion C & C please

torrbraetorrbrae Registered Users Posts: 203 Major grins
edited December 27, 2011 in The Dgrin Challenges
Have been trying to find an optical illusion without having to do post processing (other than crop and colour enhancing), and found an interesting optical illusion on the side of the local geothermal power plant.

Title: Who made those black curves on my wall!? Its just a matter of perspective, sir!
A. - In Colour, no border:

B. - In Black & White, no border:

C. - In Black & White, bordered

Understand can now have a single colour border, and interestingly have found that the optical illusion is seen better when the photo is viewed on a light background.
Also, best viewed in small or medium size - any larger and optical illusion is lost.

Comments on if you can see the illusion, and whether better with the coloured, black & white, bordered or unbordered photo would be appreciated.


  • torrbraetorrbrae Registered Users Posts: 203 Major grins
    edited December 27, 2011
    Could someone help as to why when viewed in the Windows Photo Viewer black curves can be readily seen in the corregated iron on the side of the buildings, but when go into the slide show the black curves dissappear?! Have tried with the below photo to change contrast, saturation, etc to enhance the curves.

    Can anyone else see the curves? Or am I just seeing things?
  • MarkRMarkR Registered Users Posts: 2,099 Major grins
    edited December 27, 2011
    Looks like moire patterns-- may be an effect of some sort of compression algorithm? Wild guesses here.
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