My dogs
I took a couple of pics of my dogs today. Got a little fall color too.
Here's Red - He's always happy and up for an adventure, but he didn't want to sit still.

and this is Roxy. She looks so sad. Probably because I told her to sit and stay when she really wanted to run off to see what Red was doing.

I appreciate any comments. It's hard to get the coat of a black dog to look right. But, I was trying to get her to sit in front of the red leaves. It's hard to catch her doing anything except sleeping.
Here's Red - He's always happy and up for an adventure, but he didn't want to sit still.

and this is Roxy. She looks so sad. Probably because I told her to sit and stay when she really wanted to run off to see what Red was doing.

I appreciate any comments. It's hard to get the coat of a black dog to look right. But, I was trying to get her to sit in front of the red leaves. It's hard to catch her doing anything except sleeping.
"A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." - Francis Bacon
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Thanks Steve. I appreciate you taking the time to comment when it's "just a dog". It was an effort to get these shots. I wanted them in front of the red leaves, but Red was absolutely not going to sit there. Roxy is well trained and stays when told, but she was not happy about it.
Roxy is rather food-focused. And she doesn't waste any energy.
Red is not heavy, just has thick hair. He's quick and agile. He thinks he's a mountain goat. Climbs boulders, climbs up the wood pile looking for mice. Roxy would turn into a glob of fat if she wasn't trying to keep up with Red all the time.
Thanks again for commenting. Really appreciate it.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Roxy coat looks good and shiny (some Rottie in Her?)
I like all dogs including mine
Look similar don't they
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Arlington, Tx
OMP member #: 173034
Canon EOS 5D : Bogen 3051 tripod : Bogen Monopod : Bogen 3030 head unit : Canon Speedlight 580EX : Canon EF 28-200 F3.5 : Canon 70-200 f2.8L : Canon 24-70mm F2.8L and other Canon Gear
The camera doesn't make a bit of difference. All of them can record what you are seeing. But, you have to SEE." - Ernst Haas
Thanks for stopping by. Yeah, my Roxy is a rottie, purebreed. Your rottie sure looks happy. A big smile there. Looks like a male too, with a nice broad head. Roxy has the more tapered head of a female. She's quite tall too. Most rotties that I see seem short and stockie. My girl has long legs. She can run real fast when she wants to. Which is not often.
We went for a hike this morning. Saw some big smiles today.
Thanks again for stopping by.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Here's a photo of my Jess , a border collie cross, she's afflicated with the whole food obsession thing as well, but she gets lots of walks so is looking trim taut and terrific for a 10 yr old dog.
Wow that dog looks great for 10 years old. I guess I have to put my dogs on a diet.
I think Red is part Australian Shepard and part golden retriever, maybe some chow because of the grey spots on his tongue and his thick undercoat. He seems to have great hunting instincts & herding instincts, but doesn't retrieve at all. I guess nobody ever played ball with him. He came from a shelter, so we don't know how old he is or his breeding. The vet at the shelter said he was fairly young, maybe a year or so, so he's around 6 now. He has a great personality and is very sweet. He is a great watchdog and rodent killer. He is very agile and climbs rocks and boulders with ease. He loves hiking and lives for the hunt, always on the lookout for rabbits, mice and lizzards. He terrorizes the coyotes too. Thank goodness we live on a large property, because Red is in his element out here.
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