Invalid\expired token
I am trying to get oAuth authentication to work with SmugMug. So far I am able to get the request token from the site, through both methods ( and smugmug.auth.getRequestToken).
After I have the token and token secret, I create the request to get the access token. The application has been allowed once and I assume I don't have to authorize every single time.
Here are the parameters that I am sending to the method:
oauth_consumer_key=<mykey> - this is the same as APIKey
oauth_nonce=random string freshly generated
oauth_timestamp= number of seconds from Jan 1st 1970
oauth_token=the token received when calling getRequestToken
-- the signature is computed with all the parameters from above (including the oauth_token).
When I make the call to get the token, I get this reply:
"message":"invalid/expired token"
Any ideas why the token is considered invalid / expired? I just got it back from the server. :scratch
I am trying to get oAuth authentication to work with SmugMug. So far I am able to get the request token from the site, through both methods ( and smugmug.auth.getRequestToken).
After I have the token and token secret, I create the request to get the access token. The application has been allowed once and I assume I don't have to authorize every single time.
Here are the parameters that I am sending to the method:
oauth_consumer_key=<mykey> - this is the same as APIKey
oauth_nonce=random string freshly generated
oauth_timestamp= number of seconds from Jan 1st 1970
oauth_token=the token received when calling getRequestToken
-- the signature is computed with all the parameters from above (including the oauth_token).
When I make the call to get the token, I get this reply:
"message":"invalid/expired token"
Any ideas why the token is considered invalid / expired? I just got it back from the server. :scratch
I am using Java and can send you examples if you want.
I do have the first token (the request token). However, I am not building a web site so there is no way for SmugMug to call back to the site.
The application is however authorized (step 2 in your reply).
And I believe SmugMug is using oAuth 1.0 which does not have the "oauth_verifier" notion.
If you have an example that may help!
I had the very same problem with the google oAuth lib and my own oAuth implementation(both in c#).
Have a look at Documentation smugmug oAuth with c#(Sample included)
News about can be found on my website.
Also i have noticed that Smugmug is not consistent in the OAuth implementation on reuests - for example you can perform smugmug.images.getInfo w/o secrets in the request (consumer or auth_token secrets) but you must have them for smugmug.images.getStats (which does not seem to return correct data anyway). I am including in all my transactions without any issue.
Code for Java using the Struts framework and Jersey for Json/OAuth can be found at
I detailed out the classes for OAuth process and then how to use the API
Hey Manuel and Cholman!
Thank you very much for your samples!
I now know what I was doing wrong: not sending the oauth_token_secret when getting the access token.
However, the oAuth spec does not mention sending back the oauth_token_secret. And neither does the documentation on the SmugMug site. Is there a way to ask for an update of the documentation on SmugMug?
Your help guys is much appreciated!!!
If you are having problems, it's probably due to lack of understanding either OAuth or the library that you are using.
SmugMug API Developer
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