Google +

But the real reason I stopped by was to see how the Smug/G+ integration is coming along.
As it stands now, I first upload to SmugMug (my homebase), and if I want to post photos to G+, I export a separate batch from Lr (remembering to add my watermark, which I don't have to do for my SM galleries), then upload to G+ from my computer.
I wish there were a way to link directly between SM and G+ the way I do in my Blogger galleries, using code.
If there's a way to do this where G+ is concerned, I don't know about it.
So, how's it coming? Other people are wondering, too.
As it stands now, I first upload to SmugMug (my homebase), and if I want to post photos to G+, I export a separate batch from Lr (remembering to add my watermark, which I don't have to do for my SM galleries), then upload to G+ from my computer.
I wish there were a way to link directly between SM and G+ the way I do in my Blogger galleries, using code.
If there's a way to do this where G+ is concerned, I don't know about it.
So, how's it coming? Other people are wondering, too.
That's really more of a feature request than a support issue. We have a great place for you to add your comments, requests and vote on ideas. There are some requests for Google+ there already, too. Can you please head over to our feedback forum? It's right here:
Thanks, Lindy. I knew there was a place for this, but couldn't remember where. Although, if there was something already in place that I am unaware of, this would be the place for somebody to speak up, I suppose. - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook