How to shoot jewellery? 1st ever

SnowgirlSnowgirl Registered Users Posts: 2,155 Major grins
edited December 31, 2011 in Holy Macro
Hi. I thought I'd start practicing with things that won't move away on me before I even get started - coins and jewellery.

I started with a diamond trinity ring - hoping to get both the facets of the stones and, of course, some of the glitter.

Shooting with a 1DMKIV, MP-E 65mm f/2.8 1-5X lens and MR-14EX Macro Ring Light. Camera on tripod, remote (corded) shutter trigger.

Played with assorted settings, ISO from 100 - 200, various f/stops on Av (aperture priority) which yielded shutter speeds varying from 1/0.8 to 1/1.3 The results (big surprise) were pretty dismal.

One thing I really noticed was that I could actually see the ring flash reflected in the stone settings.
Also, I had a devil of a time to get sharp focus. I normally only wear glasses for reading, but I'm wondering if I should wear them when shooting macro? i tried adjusting the diopter but still had problems seeing crisp focus, never mind shooting it.

A bit of a pathetic beginning :rolleyes - but it's a start. C&C greatly appreciated.

Here are a few samples:
#1 (establishing shot) ISO 100 f/8 1/0.6 Metering: pattern
ring flash clearly visible in mounts around stones

#2 center stone ISO 100 f/2.8 1/1.3
ring flash clearly visible in mounts and some facets; can see facets (yay) but no obvious focus point; think red 'dot' in centre of stone is a reflection of my sweater even though I bent down behind the table - perhaps not far enough.

If anyone wishes to punish themselves further, here's a link to the gallery with my other practice shots in it:
Macro Experiments
Creating visual and verbal images that resonate with you.
Picadilly, NB, Canada


  • IPClarkIPClark Registered Users Posts: 2,355 Major grins
    edited December 31, 2011
    I think you'd be better lighting the subject with a good strong lamp or by shooting with off camera flash. I've tried jewellry with very little success too I must admit.
  • SnowgirlSnowgirl Registered Users Posts: 2,155 Major grins
    edited December 31, 2011
    IPClark wrote: »
    I think you'd be better lighting the subject with a good strong lamp or by shooting with off camera flash. I've tried jewellry with very little success too I must admit.

    Makes sense. I couldn't resist playing with two out of the three toys Santa broughtrolleyes1.gif
    But I probably need to work with the lens alone first with some other lighting - and then add in the ring flash - and then the stacking rail. Learn one tool at a time ne_nau.gif
    Creating visual and verbal images that resonate with you.
    Picadilly, NB, Canada
  • GOLDENORFEGOLDENORFE Super Moderators Posts: 4,747 moderator
    edited December 31, 2011
    Hi, im a jeweller so i should know how difficult it is to photograph any piece with stones in ! natural light is the best way to go, surround the piece in white paper to shield any unwanted colour reflections/refractions ! and do a normal focus stack.
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