iHeartMark.com (what to do with this website)

I just bought a couple more, 246 now lol. But I want to see what some of you would do with a website like this one
Would you put your best work on there?
Maybe tutorials?
Reviews on the equipment?
Or just forward it to my existing webgallery to give a quirky website to visit. (I bought Ihatemarkdickinson.com too) based off of the ihatestevensinger.com site that he sells jewelry. Maybe this will give you some ideas to to spread you business, but im just unsure what to put on it:) Thank's for the replys.
Would you put your best work on there?
Maybe tutorials?
Reviews on the equipment?
Or just forward it to my existing webgallery to give a quirky website to visit. (I bought Ihatemarkdickinson.com too) based off of the ihatestevensinger.com site that he sells jewelry. Maybe this will give you some ideas to to spread you business, but im just unsure what to put on it:) Thank's for the replys.
Chalk it up to $10 lost and a resolution to next time spend it on a beer and a dozen wings?
Are you a domain name hoarder?
Sam, I buy domains for event's, business ventures, partnerships, etc.
A few simple ones like www.mdpstore.com <-- our store site,
www.marknlindsay.com <-- my wife and I's photography
www.suchsweetlove.com <- our travel photography page where we get a lot of destination weddings.
www.purchasemyphotos.com (when people ask me where do I buy the photos) I can tell them go to www.purchasemyphotos.com
www.ptph.com (where it all originated with my business) Its always nice to have a 4 character domain right?
www.wilburboathouseweddings.com/ <-- gets me a lot of work for weddings at the old boathouse here in the area.
www.nikonhdr.com brings about 25 a month in ad payment
there's a list that goes on and on and on for what I do and it works for me. I was just trying to think what to do with it. Probably just forward it to my smugmug like a few others. The rest I put on cashparking. I make about 220 a month on it so its a semi neutral buoyant system with the ones that have websites that bring in 3-4 weddings year + cashparking.
I hope that helps answer the question but diverted to what I was asking - again maybe some ideas will work here for others trying to expand the business.
MD Website
MD Store Site
Mark + Lindsay Facebook
I love animoto
Not certain what a site means to me and means to you may be two different things. Perhaps those positive reviews you speak of.
Personally I like the hateMark thingy. there was a store right around the corner from us here that for years was named: Rip-off Ricks and I thought it was a great catchy name!