Reflecting on color - some opinions ?

I am quite new to Digital grin, and "trying to get the most of dgrin" ! Am struggling between these shots for ch 50. I just withdrew my previous entry. the shots there are so good, that I've to try again! Please do comment and critique.If they are crappy, feel free to say so - it will hurt, sure...but I'll live 
thanks a lot in advance.
these were all taken yesterday late afternoon - ducks on the lake with refelctions of fall colors..

the 2nd seems less crowded, more focused, but less abstract ? confused...

then again, this one ?

thanks a lot in advance.
these were all taken yesterday late afternoon - ducks on the lake with refelctions of fall colors..

the 2nd seems less crowded, more focused, but less abstract ? confused...

then again, this one ?

I love the vivid color reflections on the water! I can see why you were attracted to them, I'd be shooting a card full of that gorgeous water
IF it's possible to go back, bring some kind of food for the ducks... this will entice them to swim toward you -- if they are anything like our ducks and geese-- that is.
I think the duck needs to be closer to you to offer some visual interest, and preferably looking at you or interacting with you in some form. Not to say I haven't seen some great "duck butt" shots. But by introducing the ducks to the beautiful reflections you have the two elements sort of fighting each other.
Of course the ultimate shot would be a duck in flight coming in for a landing and disturbing the reflections... but we won't go there
Another thing that might help would be maybe some colored leaves floating in the water on it's surface which again, would give you a "subject" and add interest to the reflections.
Does this help at all?
>>Of course the ultimate shot would be a duck in flight coming in for a landing and disturbing the reflections... but we won't go there
Now that's too much to ask for - tho it WILL make the perfect shot ! maybe today is the day !
Photo-a-day 2013
this is a goood shoot.u have not focused the ducks and also the water properly u should have a suitable sugestion is that u should first try to understand the idea of ur scene and try to understande ur camera model.i m also a new photographer and i have canon a300 i m in initiall stages.i m trying to understand my camera.when i'lll complete;y understand my kamera i'lll think that i kan capture every best idea and scenery with the best result.
this is goood idea and scene.
~Morihei Ueshiba~
However if they're going to be pictures of the colors, you need to lose the ducks, and maybe try a portrait orientation including some shoreline and trees above if you can get a nice still day, or find a couple really stunning leaves and float them onto the color reflection with large depth of field so the whole pic is sharp.
If I lived close to that lake, I'd definitely be blowing through the CF cards in the next few days.
Canon 20d, digital rebel, 17-85 IS, 100 2.8 macro,
10-22, 100-400L IS.