Cannot rename a Category using smugmug.categories.rename
The smugmug.categories.rename method in API 1.3.0 does not work. Even when invoked with all the required parameters it returns
The error code is not part of the ones detailed in the API docs. Is this method not supported anymore?
The smugmug.categories.rename method in API 1.3.0 does not work. Even when invoked with all the required parameters it returns
invalid data (illegalCat)
The error code is not part of the ones detailed in the API docs. Is this method not supported anymore?
You can only rename categories you have created, not the built in ones.
That makes sense.
But I was trying to rename a category I had just created. I can rename a Sub Category just fine.
I'll take a look to see what's going on.
Did you get a chance to take a look?
I verified that the reported problem does occur. Trying to get a sorcerer to apply some magic to it.
I'm building test cases for .Net api i'm writing to wrap all of the 1.3 and found this is an issue I just now ran into.
Error: invalid data (illegalCat)
Note, this is NOT a SmugMug type category, this is a User category I just previously created.
There are numerous codes that come back which are not in the Doc, for example data validation error codes. If codes aren't right, or if you have a badly formatted nicename, you get a different error. Just par for the course. Not sure who is in charge of keeping the doc updated. AlbumTemplates Get has a typo where it states the field coming back is AlbumTemplateName (when it is actually 'name' in the rest response)