Windows System Info

Wanna know what is actually under the hood of your PC - without opening the box or unplugging all the cables?
Run "winmsd" command, and you'll be rewarded...
Run "winmsd" command, and you'll be rewarded...
"May the f/stop be with you!"
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where to put it at all, but I thought it's a darn good built-in tool which deserves some attention...
Anyway, I'm fine with it being here, thanks!
thanks nik
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"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Thanks for the tip.
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A hah! That's why it wasn't on my wife's machine!
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
If you really want to know about the insides of your computer and what's happening have a play with some of the SysInternals tools: just be prepared to have to work to understand some of the answers and what they actually mean....
Go to your Start Menu and select Run...
Enter "cmd" in the box and press return
That will open a command window. Enter "winmsd" in that window and press return. Voila, you will have the system viewer which will tell you all about your system. That was the point of Nik's posting as far as I know. The fact that the command "winmsd" invokes a program titled "System Information" is really irrelevant. It does do what Nik says, and I'm fairly certain it will work on your wife's system too.
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"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
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"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
If you "run" DXDIAG from the command line, you get even more info... Including the clock speed of your machine. You can also test for any disparities in your hardware/drivers. Most accurate with W2k and XP.
Although it's tuned for DirectX, it's a nice tool to have!
Thank you for sharing!
There is a free program that does a total inventory of your system and all of the software on it at;nice to have a written copy of this around before the drive crashes.
Alpha 99 & VG, 900x2 & VG; 50mm1.4, CZ135 1.8; CZ16-35 2.8, CZ24-70 2.8, G70-200 2.8, G70-400, Sony TC 1.4, F20, F58, F60.
I agree!