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Guy has an idea that might work. I really could use this on myself!!
Sorry to rant, but when you see how AWFUL teenagers are to each other about their looks, it's really hard to see this as tongue-in-cheek humour instead of another "you look horrible, so BUY MY PRODUCT and be beautiful!!!". Granted, it's more subtle than most, but still.
/steps off cranky soapbox and looks for another cup of coffee
Thats funny, right there.
Granted, I do have my own little twisted sense of humor.
Two things about this I liked:
I love creative people thinking of unique ways to do the old thing... in this case sell a product.
I love the fact that they are saying that nobody (even super models) is perfect. And now that I have worked with my share of professional models, I have to completely agree. There is a lot about them that is fake. Be aware... from bra fillers to attractive shooting angles to a whole lot of liquifying... they aren't real.
Of course, I can see your thought process in that we shouldn't try to shoehorn everyone into thinking that only a certain type of body is worthy of the term beauty.... And if you don't fit the prototype you aren't beautiful.
Speaking of vacuum commercials, and totally OT.... Did you see this one? I laughed at this one pretty hard too...
Now THAT is an angle I didn't consider until you pointed it out, and you're right - that is part of the message (although it's subtle and you have to NOT react to the top level of humour in the way I did to get that part of the joke) - nul points to myself for missing part of the point!!
Anyway, this is WAY off the original topic - please don't think I have any problem with you posting it, or enjoying it or anything like that - I was just "waxing lyrical" (probably best to keep my mouth shut next time.... :tiptoe). It's all good
OK, Ms Crankypants. Try tea . . .
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.