Beautiful around noon, fogged in now

Grabbed a couple of hours to go to the beaches. It was bright sun, not too much haze in the air. Just the kind of day my Sony F828 loves. I thought I had a great shot straight out of the camera, but I hit it with a curves layer and then it really popped!. I toned down the curves layer slightly, and here's the result.
Now it's gray and gloomy, no sunset tonight.
Now it's gray and gloomy, no sunset tonight.

The photo does really pop
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Thanks for looking and commenting. I was really surprised auto curves did so much to what I thought was a great exposure to start off with.
Finally we're getting our beautiful fall weather after 3 weeks of intermittent fog...
Was actually warm enough to be out in a t-shirt after a chilly summer.
It was a breathtakingly gorgeous day. I cherish those!
Wonderful West coast shot! So different from my low country: both beautiful.
And I love your captures! Do you have any photos of the fog coming in? I would love to see those...........I love fog!
I love your depiction of the beautiful weather. We had a mixed bag yesterday. Started out clear............went to "partly" cloudy/cloudy/sunny/rain/ , woke up at 11 AM today to bright sun.
Plan to look for recreational shrimpers, with my camera, tonight.
Wish me luck! Especially since my tripod is broken and with all the D development it is going to be difficult to find a viewing area. I know Andy would be out staking one now: sigh.
Really nice photo!
My Avatar is one of the best fog rolling in shots I have
One of the neat things about living in California is the diversity of landscape we have here. From mountains to desert to redwood forests, ocean and marshes in the central valley.
The "city" is 20 minutes away to the north, and 20 minutes away to the south is the quaint little farming area of Half Moon Bay. Just "over the hill" about 10 minutes away are the shopping malls.
Since I sometimes get bored easily it's neat to be able to hop in the car and go to Golden Gate Park, the Presidio or Crissy Fields -- or drive a little further east to downtown San Francisco.
A couple of hours down the coast and I'm in Big Sur, after going through Monterey and Carmel. A couple of hours north and and I'm at Point Reyes National Seashore area after going thru Muir Woods with it's beautiful redwood trees.
It's a great area for day trips!
Here's one fog at bay shot showing clouds, and the fog forming below and threatening to envelope us...
After 20 years I think I take it for granted