Dss #93

Hi all, It's been a while! I have been incredibly busy for a while now but I am hoping with the holidays over I will find some free time to play a little more.
I scrimped and saved and managed to buy myself a Canon SX40 yesterday. I have a lot to learn, but by the end of my trip to the refuge was feeling pretty good about what I was getting. It was a very Cloudy day and I don't feel I had the hang of that yet when I took these.
I just realized as I uploaded the pics I got today that when I set the time last night, I didn't set it at 19:00, but at 7:00... so this shows that the pics were taken at 10:00 last night instead of 10:00 am this morning.
I'm not sure of any of them yet anyway, but thought I would throw them up here for opinions and ask Sean about the time if I feel inclined to enter one.
Any thoughts on these?
1. Weathered

2. Buried treasures

3. Closer view of #2

DSS#93 gallery: http://donna-niemann.smugmug.com/Contests/Dgrin-Challenges/DSS-93-Old-or-New/20954130_7QvNVz
I scrimped and saved and managed to buy myself a Canon SX40 yesterday. I have a lot to learn, but by the end of my trip to the refuge was feeling pretty good about what I was getting. It was a very Cloudy day and I don't feel I had the hang of that yet when I took these.
I just realized as I uploaded the pics I got today that when I set the time last night, I didn't set it at 19:00, but at 7:00... so this shows that the pics were taken at 10:00 last night instead of 10:00 am this morning.
I'm not sure of any of them yet anyway, but thought I would throw them up here for opinions and ask Sean about the time if I feel inclined to enter one.
Any thoughts on these?
1. Weathered

2. Buried treasures

3. Closer view of #2

DSS#93 gallery: http://donna-niemann.smugmug.com/Contests/Dgrin-Challenges/DSS-93-Old-or-New/20954130_7QvNVz
I like #1 best. I was wondering if the color was a little off or maybe it could use some more contrast? It could just be me, tho.
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
Thanks Jenn!
the color is probably a little bit off. I was working to get the the lines in the wood to show and it wound up quite off at one point. I'll see if I can't tone it back a bit... or maybe try B&W... hmmm
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Any better? #4 The color is probably a bit more washed out than the scene actually was, but I like it better soft, I think... on #5, I tried B&W. I cropped both. That centered shot was driving me nuts.
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"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
So you both like the same shot, just different tones... I may try playing with it a bit and see if a I can hit a happy medium.
I wish I could go back out and try again, but it is even yuckier out today than it was then. Rainy old day. Yes, I love the piece and if it wasn't on the refuge land that I volunteer at it would be in my backyard now. Nothing is supposed to be taken off the refuge. Unfortunately, I can't plead ignorance.
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LOTS of photog's say days like a yukky day make for better photos....
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for comparsion:
1. Weathered
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I just entered a shot of my neighbor's tree that had just been cut down. Let me know if you think I am infringing on your idea and I will take it down.
WhatSheSaw, I think the two are vastly different.
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