From what I can see, it looks like the water was pretty wild that day. The picture looks awfully dark to me (maybe that's just my monitor). If it's not my monitor, then it looks like your camera couldn't handle the high contrast between the bright sky and the dark water. Perhaps it was one of those situations where if you exposed for the water, the sky would get blown out - and if you exposed for the sky you couldn't see the water.
A good idea would have been to bracket your shots: take three shots at slightly different exposures. A lot of cameras have a setting that will do this automatically. Otherwise, you can just take three shots and adjust the settings yourself. Having taken several shots at slightly different settings, you might have found that one of those was exactly what you wanted. Even if you didn't you get one "perfect" shot, you could have layered a dark shot and a light one. That way, you could have combined the sky you wanted with the water you wanted.
This is a great subject. I look forward to seeing more posts from you.
A good idea would have been to bracket your shots: take three shots at slightly different exposures. A lot of cameras have a setting that will do this automatically. Otherwise, you can just take three shots and adjust the settings yourself. Having taken several shots at slightly different settings, you might have found that one of those was exactly what you wanted. Even if you didn't you get one "perfect" shot, you could have layered a dark shot and a light one. That way, you could have combined the sky you wanted with the water you wanted.
This is a great subject. I look forward to seeing more posts from you.