Sync a Mac folder to Smugmug?

I've been looking all over for some way to do this and keep coming up empty.
I have a folder that is continuously being filled with images, automatically, by webcam software. It's in a dropbox folder right now, but it's supposed to be in a smugmug album and then eventually become a timelapse video.
I need a headless method for pushing the photos in that folder into a smugmug album. It needs to run automatically every hour and upload the latest images. Ideally, it would delete them after upload is successful but I can always go in and delete old ones on occasion. It needs to be smart enough not to re-upload the same images over and over again.
SmugDAV was read-only (and seems to be done anyway)
I've tried Perl and PHP scripts but can't get successful uploads from any of them and can't find examples of any working versions.
Does anyone know a way to keep a folder on a Mac and a Smugmug album in sync, so new photos added to the Mac folder get pushed to the Smugmug album automatically?
I could also point the webcam software at an FTP site if that enabled more options, rather than a local folder.
I want to figure out something fast and easy because I'd like to do something similar with certain Lightroom folders at some point.
Thanks for any suggestions!
I have a folder that is continuously being filled with images, automatically, by webcam software. It's in a dropbox folder right now, but it's supposed to be in a smugmug album and then eventually become a timelapse video.
I need a headless method for pushing the photos in that folder into a smugmug album. It needs to run automatically every hour and upload the latest images. Ideally, it would delete them after upload is successful but I can always go in and delete old ones on occasion. It needs to be smart enough not to re-upload the same images over and over again.
SmugDAV was read-only (and seems to be done anyway)
I've tried Perl and PHP scripts but can't get successful uploads from any of them and can't find examples of any working versions.
Does anyone know a way to keep a folder on a Mac and a Smugmug album in sync, so new photos added to the Mac folder get pushed to the Smugmug album automatically?
I could also point the webcam software at an FTP site if that enabled more options, rather than a local folder.
I want to figure out something fast and easy because I'd like to do something similar with certain Lightroom folders at some point.
Thanks for any suggestions!
For the uploads, I'd look at smugftp as well as the ability to email photos. I'm not sure how much scripting and command line-type stuff can be done on a Mac, but if you could do the duplicate detection on the Mac side, then all you'd have to do is concentrate on the upload part.
Want faster uploading? Vote for FTP!