Logo design input

After viewing a couple threads, and not being a photographer for money, I decided to give logonerds.com a try to come up with something for my site. I am curious as to what people here think. My site is www.zlbphotography.com (if it doesn't appear in my signature). It will be replacing the current banner there.
Number 3 is my favorite so far, but I love the alignment/drop on number 6, so I was thinking of having the graphic on 3 dropped a little bit, and maybe change the color to some shade of green as I think I enjoy that more than the gold/yellow.
Would appreciate any input, positive or negative as well. Feel free to include site comments if you wish as well.
Number 3 is my favorite so far, but I love the alignment/drop on number 6, so I was thinking of having the graphic on 3 dropped a little bit, and maybe change the color to some shade of green as I think I enjoy that more than the gold/yellow.
Would appreciate any input, positive or negative as well. Feel free to include site comments if you wish as well.

Good luck with your site!
Lauren Blackwell
"Capturing memories with every click"
I liked number 1 of the original concepts, but it was to plain for me, wanted a little more elegant font (if that's the way to describe it), and I liked the green color of original concept 6, even though that would be easy to change on any of 'em.
I also asked to have the tagline removed to see how it looks, and then I can add it elsewhere or another time, or even change it. I initially had the same thoughts about the word snap, and while some of my shots fall into that category :P I do want it to come across as more experienced and professional, but I can't yet find a word or rephrase that flows as nicely without adding additional length. So I may remove the tagline for a bit and work on that a bit.
Any new thoughts? Even though I asked for some revisions on 2 only this time, still curious as to some feedback. Thanks!
He said it right...
I don't like the Z in #1 and the camera looks very amateurish to me. I don't like the serif/sans-serif thing in #3. I'd go with #2, but shift the name and words down so it is aligned with the middle of the circle.
Which is partially true while I'm still learning :P
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Hoping to receive the revisions tonight, but being as it's Friday, may not happen.
people looking at your card and asking "What's the name of your company?"
"ZLB" doesn't trip off the tongue, and the combination of letters is not
expected. Therefore, the letters should be clear and distinctive.
In Concept #2, the viewer wouldn't be sure that is an "L". In
Concept #3 and #4, the "Z" and the "B" become more of a artistic
squiggle than letters...especially in #4.
Remember, you know what it reads. You won't be able to
see that versions are hard to read because you know what
to expect. Potential customers don't. Don't make it difficult
for them.
The original #1 black & white was the cleanest and easiest
to read. The "ZLB Photography" made it clear who you are.
Add me to the group that favors changing "snap" to "image".
Graphic in concept #6 is my absolute personal fav with #3 coming in very close. I much prefer photography in all caps 1st concept with the small type underneath. Likes nice
I have sent in for revisions on these already, but I'd sitll be curious to hear more thoughts on these. From the original set, I liked 6, and how the z dropped lower, and they sorta did that with the new 2, but it's not the same, so I asked to see Concept 2 redone with the Words centered to the circle, not top aligned. Then move the caption down from the word Photography just a little bit as it looks a bit to scrunched up to it.
Also asked if I could see how it looked with a capital Z, but I'm not sure how much that will change with that type of font. And then lastly, I asked to see what it would look like without the caption at all. I can always add that caption anywhere to my site or cards or anything as needed.
So I basically have decided on number 2, just waiting to see a couple revisions which I will hopefully see tomorrow evening. I may take it and cross the Z as I have some weird obsession with crossed Z's. I can't recall if they send me the PSD file when it's all done or not, but if they do, that'd be cool to be able to change it and such with minor tweaks.
I do think I agree with you Cindy on the all caps. Though it may not be in the final version I get from them, (depends if I send back for another revision), that is something I may try to adjust myself, because I think it looks a little nicer as well.
I've been real happy with their turn around time as well. First put in it only took 2 business days, and for the revisions, only 1.
So out of these, I want the ZLB from concept 4, and I can't decide if I like the alignment on 1 or 2 best now. Leaning towards 1.
As it turns out, they will send a few different files, which includes a PSD file. So I can make some changes as needed. For the final revision I just asked for the Capital Z to be put on concept one of the latest 4. I think I like the top alignment bettwe than the center. I will likely take a copy of it and try it in all caps font as well.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions, I do greatly appreciate it.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com