
Whadja think?

Moving PicturesMoving Pictures Registered Users Posts: 384 Major grins
edited January 16, 2012 in Sports
Every year, the Canadian Community Newspaper Association has an awards cycle. It's based on circulation, so that little papers like the one I oversee don't get matched against the 100,000 circulation, 20-staff behemoths in the metro areas.

Anyhoo ... I wasn't happy with my pics from the last year (one of the reasons I signed on here, in fact) but I wouldn't mind some thoughts on which pic to enter for the sports pic of the year. My general rule for a pic is player of either side + object of contention, but the volleyball pic breaks that mould. My reporters liked that, but others liked the wrestling pic.

Either way, every year, some paper from the flatlands wins with a mutton-busting image or similar rodeo chaos. (Shrug)

Which one, folks?



The v-ball pic was captured in pretty low-light conditions. Further, the gym is *yellow*. I had to do a manual white balance off the water fountain to obtain a reasonable colour ... not that it matters. Both ran black and white (and hence, the grain you see here isn't going to be relevant to the judges.)

I know what my personal preference is, but I thought I'd seek suggestions. Merci!
Newspaper photogs specialize in drive-by shootings.
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    GrainbeltGrainbelt Registered Users Posts: 478 Major grins
    edited January 14, 2012
    I was going to say #2, since the symmetry in color (ball, uniform, banners) is unusual and compelling. But if it ran B&W you wouldn't see that.

    So I guess #1, though I wish the legs and feet weren't cut off.

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    WhitefootWhitefoot Registered Users Posts: 12 Big grins
    edited January 15, 2012
    What ISO did you shoot #2 at? I have be running into some issues with Gym lighting lately.
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    ZerodogZerodog Registered Users Posts: 1,480 Major grins
    edited January 16, 2012
    Of the 2 I like the wrestling better. It could use some tuning up to make it better. There is quite a bit of color noise in the blue and noise in general worked on a bit. The black point could get cranked quite a bit and then maybe just tweak the hue on the skin tone a touch. Those things will make this picture pop a lot more for you.

    Keep at it. Low light stuff is rough. There is no way around some slight tweaks in PP.
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