my 1st big job

I am writing to you to ask for a professional advice, you have a huge pro expierience and I am sure you would know. I landed a big photo opportunity :thumbfrom the hospital,they want me to photograph entire staff in a work environment and use these photographs for their brochures and their web site. I have no clue:dunno how to set up my contract proposition and how much to charge.I also have some photographs of the doctors they would like to buy from me. I would appreciate your help if you could give some ideas or place where I could read about how it to set all this up.Thank you a lot.:clap
today is the day , take the picture .:thumb .
I don't get how people can undertake photography as a business without " Knowing what to charge" as so many do here.
Unfortunately there isn't any information provided to give you any insight to your pricing question. Given this, I think it may well be better if you pass on this for the time being untill you have more knowledge and experience in order to prevent making a potentialy costly mistake. You get your pricing wrong and you will have to still honor it and on a job this size, it could cost you a lot of money if you don't get your numbers right which in this case seems a distinct possibility.
One thing I'd make very clear in your contract are the time restraints for shooting, as well as what you expect from the hospital and your subjects. A hospital can get pretty hectic, and you don't want to be forced to waste time or have to come back because "something came up".
Oh yeah, and Dgrin has a ton of great resources here:
Good luck man!
yes I do have model releases.
how I got this job...people from the hospital saw my work ,they liked it enough to offer me this job--opportunity of the moment Glort
Damian thank you very much I will do everything what you suggested and let you know how everything turned out.
I think all of us started somewhere and I wanted to know your opinion.